Mature men

BabyDallass's Avatar
Ladies which do you prefer a younger man (early 20-30s) or a mature seasoned man (40+) ?

I will pick the 50 year old over the 20 year old anyday...I can learn more from him and they are more chill than the younger guys...

I love old men! I say the older the better
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I'm not picky on age although I do prefer older men
Trinity Kane's Avatar
Going to have to go with older and well seasoned and secure in his sex life.
BabyDallass's Avatar
Mature for sure...they take their time with the pussy, younger guys just like to rabbit fuck lol
DallasRain's Avatar
I am an older provider so I prefere men 45 and older...but I will not kick ANY man outta my bed....except to fuck him on the!
BabyDallass's Avatar
A lot of older men always ask me " am I too old?" I'm always like hell no! I love some old men lol sorry just do! Never will I stop...I could never ever date someone younger than me.
splitlog's Avatar
You girls are making me feel better about sneaking up on the 50 mark. 49 in Feb.
DallasRain's Avatar
ahhhh Split are still a young pup lol!

Bring it to me baby!!!!!!!!!!!
You girls are making me feel better about sneaking up on the 50 mark. 49 in Feb. Originally Posted by splitlog
I'd rather have an older '7' than I would a young '10' any day...

Couldn't miss the opportunity to give you shit, Splitlog.

But seriously, I do prefer guys over 40. They take their time, and are more considerate about pleasing their partner, too. I also enjoy the mental connection with a more mature partner.
I'd rather have an older '7' than I would a young '10' any day...

Couldn't miss the opportunity to give you shit, Splitlog.

But seriously, I do prefer guys over 40. They take their time, and are more considerate about pleasing their partner, too. I also enjoy the mental connection with a more mature partner. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
doctor xavier your dream date?
splitlog's Avatar
I'd rather have an older '7' than I would a young '10' any day...

Couldn't miss the opportunity to give you shit, Splitlog.

But seriously, I do prefer guys over 40. They take their time, and are more considerate about pleasing their partner, too. I also enjoy the mental connection with a more mature partner. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

That's funny right there. You read my posts. Lol
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Don't get me wrong, I love younger guys as well close to me age (you know who you are ) but I also love older men with life experience
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I'd rather have an older '7' than I would a young '10' any day... Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
When does "older" become "old" and progress to "too old"?

Would you take on an "old" 2? I have great personality!
Thanks Ladies, best present an older guy could have. Hugs, dBuddy
BabyDallass's Avatar
Yep we love some old men! Keep coming darlings!