Someone smelling bad is such a turn off for me I do not even want to get close to them.
How does one truly handle it without sounding rude?
Kinda grossed out here,
Someone smelling bad is such a turn off for me I do not even want to get close to them.
How does one truly handle it without sounding rude?
Kinda grossed out here,
Sloane Originally Posted by SloaneMacallan
When this happens in the hobby only two things are likeley to happen.
1) The offending party takes the hint and showers, takes the breath mint or whatever, or
2) They don't take the hint and the other party never sees them again.
With that in mind, if hints haven't worked, nothing willl be lost by being frank and open about it. "I'm sorry but you really need a shower. If you want to go forward from here you have to take one." or you really need a breath mint or what ever the problem is.
Hee, I put on my FAQ page that I prefer anyone I see be showered, and if not, I reserve the right to ask them to shower.If it is the dead of August I can't imagine showing up at an incall and not showering unless I went straight from the house to a waiting car that has had the A/C running for at least 15 minutes.
If they ask why, I play it off as a germiphob thing, or a "cold and flu season" thing, or (now that I'm in Texas), I guess I can use the heat as an excuse. Originally Posted by MaggieSinead
I don't know how prevalent this is, but my SO has a BO problem--it's probably a medical thing. She can jump in the shower and scrub and have that offensive odor w/in 1/2 hour of getting out. I don't know how you fight that.Dude, you might want to haul your SO to the doctor and make certain everything's all right. It might not be BO...
But I also agree w/ Omahan: Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Why do people not wear deodorant?? I mean I hear horror stories from both sides, after suggesting a shower and them not taking the hint. How do you deal with it?? Or even after the shower they still reek of the smell.I politely ask the Guy/Lady to go wash his/her ass. I mean if I was a little tarp down there ( WHICH WOULD NEVER HAPPEN
Someone smelling bad is such a turn off for me I do not even want to get close to them.
How does one truly handle it without sounding rude?
Kinda grossed out here,
Sloane Originally Posted by SloaneMacallan
Why do people not wear deodorant?? I mean I hear horror stories from both sides, after suggesting a shower and them not taking the hint. How do you deal with it?? Or even after the shower they still reek of the smell.
Someone smelling bad is such a turn off for me I do not even want to get close to them.
How does one truly handle it without sounding rude?
Kinda grossed out here,
Sloane Originally Posted by SloaneMacallan