Dinner date question

Serious question, but may be dumb.

Lets say I take a lady to a $500 a plate dinner like Joel Rubochon's, Per Se in NY or the other handful of 3 Star Michelin restaurants. Since your donation is for a ladies time, would most ladies apply that type of cost toward time or it would just be an additional expense on top of the donation?

I guess before I did it I would ask the individual, but what are general thoughts. I see a lot of dinner date type adventures, but I have not done that.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Im sure it varies from person to person however most im sure would still need their "time amt" in addition weather its 500 a plate or Mcdonalds. I would just ask as im sure many would be just happy to attend.
Have fun
London Rayne's Avatar
A 500 dollar dinner does not appeal to me. Make it a Breaking Benjamin concert and you're on.
allofamber's Avatar
You pay a provider with cash...not food.
Think of it this way: Dinner is what YOU choose to spend money on. Dinner is not what I would have spent **MY** money on.

I had a similar situation with a gentleman who wanted me to meet him at the mall so we could shop for lingerie "for me" that would then count as my payment. Well I have lots of lingerie and would be happy to get some as a gift, but it's not how I would have spent **MY** money.

I told him I had intended to use his fee to pay my electric bill, water bill, and credit card bill. So I could bring my checkbook to the date and he could watch me write checks if the thrill of helping me spend "my" money was exciting to him.
Thanks for some answers. Clearly fine dining is not going to thrill everyone and some would prefer a Breaking Benjamin concert. I can honor that I have the pleasure of meeting you some day .

I wonder if I worded my question differently if it matter to those who answered.

Lets say you schedule a 3 hour meeting , and lets assume that you had always wanted to eat at a top place. Clearly food does not pay the bills nor does lingerie, but if it was presented to you that of the 3 hour date some of that cost counted toward the time.

So in this example lets say a donation of $1000 was standard and you would still receive 700 roses. So you get what pays the bills and something unique.

This is not a real world case I promise.
runswithscissors's Avatar
Serious question, but may be dumb.

Lets say I take a lady to a $500 a plate dinner like Joel Rubochon's, Per Se in NY or the other handful of 3 Star Michelin restaurants. Since your donation is for a ladies time, would most ladies apply that type of cost toward time or it would just be an additional expense on top of the donation?

I guess before I did it I would ask the individual, but what are general thoughts. I see a lot of dinner date type adventures, but I have not done that. Originally Posted by oktome
always, always communicate.....There are some ladies who would enjoy the adventure "off the clock", whether it is a 500 dollar dinner event or meeting at the local steakhouse.

Any lunch or dinner you suggest should be at your expense and not "deducted" from the ladies time. It is an additional expense.

But always communicate. I enjoy lunch or dinner with ladies I meet when I travel. I always let them know I would enjoy a nice dinner or lunch in their favorite restaurant at my expense, and then proceed with our date.

Or agree on a donation amount that would include a dinner and date; remember, you are paying for their time, and should respect that...

Hope that helps.....
You're not goin to Alinea anytime soon,are you?
In that situation you are basically asking the lady to pay for dinner...
H8edByOne's Avatar
I agree - you are asking the lady to pay for dinner if you deduct the amount from the donation.

However, it is a far question in that - If I schedule a 3 hour date - and I am expected to feed the provider during the three hours - you are asking me to pay for your meal at 2-300 per hour + food. You can say I am paying for time only. But grow up and get real - we write about the experiance and have tags for fakes and robs.

My SO time I'd free - I don't seek "time".

If I schedule a dinner date for 3 hrs at 700 roses and spend an hour doing that - what would motivate me to do that - I can donate 4-500 for 2 hours - skip the meal and save 300 +.

I would not mind spending some cash on a nice meal and drinks and then the time starts with a woman back behind closed doors.

I would rather save my 400, skip the meal, movie, concert, show, etc. and see another provider.

If I am going to spend that type of money - I will keep it for real world and hope to get lucky for showing a woman a great time. IMHO.
runswithscissors, I think your answer identifies what I was trying to say. "off the clock" time, but your main point is clear and that is to communicate. Some may be interested, some may not.

Sarahandfriends: Alinea, can't find fault in your taste! Went about 2 months ago.
dread pirate deadpool's Avatar
I have not heard of any vegas women going to dinner off the clock. In other areas I have heard of off the clock dinner dates and shopping dates.
OklahomaSooner's Avatar
I have one ATF that one price is for entire Date and always goes over since were always having fun...one time she was too tired to drive home, i offered to drive her and then come get her and she could get car....she chose to sleep in my arms...and refused
any extra donation the next day...

I understand both sides of the equation though.