Should we see the ladies with fake pics?

burkalini's Avatar
First of all let me say that I have done this twice. So no stones being thrown here. But I wonder are we as hobbyist are making it happen instead of the other way around. Here's the scenario: You look at an ad and the girl is hot. You call up and make an appt. She shows up and is not the girl in the pic, one of two things happen. If she's hot we let our dicks do the talking and go ahead with the appt. If she's not then we either cancel or say fuck it and go ahead anyway. I have noticed that Gia has had an amazing amout of reviews lately. First of all Gia I am not picking on you and by the reviews and hearsay I understand you are a great provider and very attractive. But I also have heard that the pics you have are not of you. I don't know if this is a catch 22 thing or can there be anything done about it. I do know that you can put in real pics and still conceal your identity. I know one that makes alot of comments on this board that does it this way and is very sucessful. I think it's more effective to post real pics and definately more honest. Again I am not picking on any one provider but with the recent reviews it just stuck in my mind. Even though I don't hobby anymore I did alot of hobbying before when I did and it just really got me on the defensive when the first thing I think about a girl is that she is misleading in some way. Do you guys and you providers have any suggestions on this or is it just the way it is and we have to live with it?
There's always a way to conceal your identity. Thousands of ladies do it, including me.

1. You can "black out" your face or crop the picture so it doesn't include your face.

2. Hire a photographer who can pose you in different scenes so your face doesn't show, but your full body or other body parts do.

3. If you're worried about certain birthmarks or tattoos, have the photographer or yourself photoshop them. But, always let your clients know you have tattoos, they're just not shown for privacy reasons.

Those are just a few ideas to help the ladies out who might be worried about their identity.

Now, I've made my opinion known on the bait n' switch ladies. They will keep doing it until the guys stop seeing them. I know the little head takes over, but one day you'll run into a situation where the lady does use a fake pic and you show up, she's ugly. You'll want to turn around and go or if she shows up to your door, you'll turn her away. Then you'll cry wolf.

I don't care if the provider has a golden pussy, if the pictures are fake, its not right. It makes it harder for us ladies who do use our real pictures.
snowbeard's Avatar
I agree with MsElena. The only time I allowed a person to enter my hotel who was not the one pictures, it was a rip-off. I won't do that again. If she is the the one pictured, it is no deal.
I agree no fake pictures or misrepresentation please, I'm attracted to a certian type of woman and don't appreciate it when the girl that shows up looks nothing like what the pictures did.
poprod's Avatar
Hi Burk,
I have to agree with your statement and is well noted. Even though I do know Gia well, some of her pics are of her, Not all, and some need to be updated. I believe they are a fare representation of her. I really do see your point that when providers use a fake profile picture you may get the bait & switch scam and isn't a professional representation of yourself. I do know other providers that still use outdated pictures for the use of having a signature page. I agree with you both, Burk & Elena, as there should be a fare represntation of yourself. This should show your integrity not only for yourself but for the clients as well.
John Bull's Avatar
I knew a good provider who used pix that were 20 yrs old. She also claimed to be 35 when I know for a fact that she was 56. She was one of the best if you like certain things and up until the last 6 months or so, she wasn't to far off the pix but you could really see the age differential when you were with her.
burkalini's Avatar
I wish we could get more provider feedback on this. I'm sure the guys would like to have recent real pics but would like the feedback from providers as to why they need to post old or similar ones
burkalini's Avatar
There's always a way to conceal your identity. Thousands of ladies do it, including me.

1. You can "black out" your face or crop the picture so it doesn't include your face.

2. Hire a photographer who can pose you in different scenes so your face doesn't show, but your full body or other body parts do.

3. If you're worried about certain birthmarks or tattoos, have the photographer or yourself photoshop them. But, always let your clients know you have tattoos, they're just not shown for privacy reasons.

Those are just a few ideas to help the ladies out who might be worried about their identity.

Now, I've made my opinion known on the bait n' switch ladies. They will keep doing it until the guys stop seeing them. I know the little head takes over, but one day you'll run into a situation where the lady does use a fake pic and you show up, she's ugly. You'll want to turn around and go or if she shows up to your door, you'll turn her away. Then you'll cry wolf.

I don't care if the provider has a golden pussy, if the pictures are fake, its not right. It makes it harder for us ladies who do use our real pictures. Originally Posted by MsElena

I'm sorry Elena. If I meet one with a golden pussy i'm taking her to the bank. lol
I'm sorry Elena. If I meet one with a golden pussy i'm taking her to the bank. lol Originally Posted by burkalini

Thanks for busting my bubble Burk.
OMG Burk that was hilarious!

I, too, look for a certain kind of lady, and if the pics are fake, it's just wrong. It's hard enough to get over the jitters of meeting a new lady for the first time, so when it's not even the gal in the pictures...

There is surely enough uncertainty with this hobby without clouding it with fake pics, bait and switch, and upselling.

Providers, please, chime in on this one...
But I did chime in Ih8
Rider68's Avatar
I agree with the no Fake pics policy, I have met two with fake pics the first ripped me off (my fault I was drunk hobbying, never again) the second one, I generously paid her $40 for a wasted outcall, travel/time, and said thanks but no thanks.
kendra kayy's Avatar
Using Fake Pics = Probems. As Elena stated there are many things a provider can do to conceal identity. In my opinion, the only reason to use old or even fake pics is to trick the gents into booking with them.. maybe the provider gained weight and doesnt wanna promote herself as a bigger girl in fear of not getting business. Another reason I see it happening is because the "provider" is a fraud and will probably do something nasty like bait and switch. I have also seen girls who advertise under multiple names/numbers in hopes of getting lots of business. Either way its BS and I dont agree with it. Stuff like that is just wrong. Guys, you can use tineye which is a reverse image search engine to verify the validity of the pics. I have had quite afew problems in the past with other girls (not from this area) using my pics in their ads. Thanks to some wonderful gents I was notified and able to flag those ads and some even flagged them for me. Girls will continue to do this as long as they keep getting business. This ties into another thread I posted on---do your research!!
John Bull's Avatar
I'll say this about the two ladies who've posted in this thread! No hobbyist could ever complain about getting bad advice from either of them.
You two are greeeeaaaaaat!!
kendra kayy's Avatar
Aww shucks Mr.Bull--thankyou!! You are pretty awesome yourself!!