Tips for those girls attempting to be more Exotic...

If you want to add mystery and a touch of the Exotic...

1.Claim to be from another land.. But be careful.. Remember, spell the Country Correctly..
  1. If you are from the Islands... Long, Road and Staten don't count as Exotic ..
  2. Develop an Accent... Again, Caution, Make it one You can pull off.. nothing sounds worst than a fake English or French Accent.. Makes you sound like your staring in a Mel Brooks Movie.
    Hope this helps...
I grew up on the east coast, does that make me exotic?
  • T-Can
  • 01-15-2011, 09:04 PM
I grew up on the east coast, does that make me exotic? Originally Posted by monkmonk
Yes, I like your accent.....

I'm a sucker for accents and never had anyone fake an accent yet

I thought this was a serious thread, but I found it quite funny.

Those ads do crack me up, how are you from (insert country) lived there your whole life and can't speak the language. Like not even two words.

Now I have had guys ask me if im Hispanic...with the curly hair. Now if only I learn acouple of words in Spanish. I may could pull it off.

I joke, I joke. But it is entertaining when they ask.
Lana Warren's Avatar
Wonder if my Texas twang is exotic enough?
Lisa, if they are asking, then you can pull it off. It's all about the hair! You already know those girls with curly hair are throwing in "mixed" for that exotic allure .

Congratulations! You may claim the same status in the ethnicity section of your showcase, should they ever resurface....

Words you'll need to know to complete your transformation into a blacktino goddess:

Por favor

I know a few others, pm me for more
Yes ma'am

All about the hair . But im honest.

I swear I think im doing this providing thing all wrong.

Lisa, if they are asking, then you can pull it off. It's all about the hair! You already know those girls with naturally curly hair are throwing in "mixed" for that exotic allure .

Congratulations! You may claim the same status in the ethnicity section of your showcase, should they ever resurface.... Originally Posted by Dannie
Juan Pablo de Marco's Avatar
'Road Island'... i really hope that was a joke 'worst' and 'your'. funny.

i have seen a few ads where a girl claims to be from 'Columbia'. okee-dokee!

~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 01-15-2011, 10:32 PM
Does being a Damn Yankee count?

I'd claim my "exotic" but it would cause all kinds of issues...
Lisa... It is a light hearted serious thread... We have some who can not spell the country they claim to be from...
Monk... Unless its the East Coast of France.. It isn't Exotic... (Yes, I know France has NO East Coast )
~Ze~.. You are Exotic no matter how you package it...
Horsemancummeth's Avatar
I live in Rhome.Does that count.Plus we have exotic animals on the ranch.Hell I might be 2 for 2.
Judge Smails's Avatar
Ah, the beauty softly said she was from Paris ( Tx)
st929's Avatar
  • st929
  • 01-17-2011, 10:42 AM
I spent my whole youth on islands in the pacific and I never ended up erotic ... just warped.

Love the thread and how you gracefully (insert word for female canine) slapped those who lie.
S-Man's Avatar
  • S-Man
  • 01-17-2011, 01:10 PM
Sometimes the movies can give ideas...
  • Pretend not to understand English (Better Off Dead), or
  • Fake a foreign accent (Slap Her... She's French).
Everyone knows I can't spell for Shit.. and I'm the last one to be the Spelling Police.. But Damn-it... If Your going to claim to be from Europe.. Spell the Damn Country right....

S-Man... I like your idea... I need to practice pretending not to understand Hooker Speak...
Danni... Can You pretend to be French so I can slap You.. Be From Southern France and I'll slap Yer Ass...