
My showcase is broken LOL where is it?
Chica Chaser's Avatar
PhotoFantasies's Avatar
I can't see anyone's showcase... did I do something wrong??
Sorry y'all. The showcase maintenance isn't related to any of the provider ad policies. Just getting some minor nut 'n' bolt tweaks. They'll be back in a few days. btw, the 'My ECCIE reviews' link below a provider's avatar will return soon. That was somehow linked but it's not part of the maintenance so I'll see if I can get that back online in the next day or two max.

sorry for the inconvenience!


ps. i like your avatar alyssa

Look at post above yours, open link and read.
huh? lol
PhotoFantasies's Avatar

Look at post above yours, open link and read. Originally Posted by SP Hunter
Thank you... duh... hahahaha.. I guess I should read more.. huh?? Thank you for the info.. I thought I had gone crazy.
PhotoFantasies's Avatar
I also concur with St. Christopher about Alyssa Nicole's avatar.. VERY nice!!
dbackdoor's Avatar
Very sexy
Does anyone know when we can manage our showcases?
Ironically Alyssa, I found out the showcases were missing when I wanted to look at yours. Imagine my dismay when I couldn't spend some time gazing at your pics.

Chica Chaser's Avatar

is the latest info we have
  • MLG
  • 01-17-2011, 08:05 AM
Thanks for the post - I thought I was losing my mind when I couldnt find
I have to laugh, I've been messaging back and forth with St. Christopher for 2 - 3 days now, with him attempting to help me create a showcase, and all along it's been down because of maintenance which HE posted about........ GO FIGURE! lol!!
  • MLG
  • 01-17-2011, 07:22 PM
Now THAT is funny!

BTW - LOVE your avatar!!
