Hello Eccie

I had something tragic happen and I'm going to have to leave for a while or maybe for good. Or maybe I could stay utr whatever I don't know what I'm going to do at the moment. I wish everyone well and I thank you all for the wonderful memories. I loved the wild and crazy moments. You all meant a lot to me. Any who. Ladies stay beautiful and be safe. So this is goodbye.

TexasCowboy's Avatar
I always wish you the very best.
Take care
playerplano's Avatar
We never got to meet but good luck and I'm sorry for whatever badness is forcing you away from eccie. Take care of yourself and the ones you love. Everything else is just details !

Good luck to you SP. I wish that this goodbye was under better circumstances.
seanj317's Avatar
Baby, I'm going to miss you very much. please keep in touch. ill text you later...
TexasChiliDog's Avatar
Good luck
We never got to meet but good luck and I'm sorry for whatever badness is forcing you away from eccie. Take care of yourself and the ones you love. Everything else is just details !

Originally Posted by playerplano
I second that
200K's Avatar
  • 200K
  • 02-14-2016, 09:59 AM
Stay safe!

Sorry to see you leave, wish I would've been able to meet you.
Watch your 6.
Gnostalgia's Avatar
i wish u.the very best. hoping you can put this bad thing to rest, and emerge better and happier on the other side, S P.
What happened anything I can do
I am here for you
Please let me help
ca1962's Avatar
Hope everything works out well for you. I will miss you. I will never forget the wild doubles sessions you created for me!
Ravasher's Avatar
I will always remember the fun we had. Good luck to you.
Take care. Hopefully if you enjoy this some of you can just do this UTR. I really hope everything is okay and will work out for you. Hugs
Take care SP.