Then the government fined some of them because they had been forced to assume the assets of errant financial institutions that were subsequently found guilty of malfeasance.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Yep. So Jamie Dimon keeps paying shakedown money to Odumbo's DOJ to make bullshit lawsuits go away because he knows most people don't understand banking anyway and he wants to avoid bad PR. He is being sued for WaMu's lending mistakes. Bank of America is being sued for Countrywide's sins. And the Feds have found a new pinata to whack for goodies. Some of the fines and settlements collected by Eric Holder went to fund left-wing community organizer groups like La Raza and NeighborWorks. Banks are the new tobacco companies.
Then lying commie demagogues like Bernie Sanders come along and point to the settlements as proof that all "banksters" commit fraud.
The narrative is completely false but hey, don't let a good crisis go to waste.
Bernie’s Wall Street Slander
The Vermont socialist preaches class hatred to crowds besotted by the politics of envy.
By Bret Stephens
Feb. 8, 2016 7:14 p.m. ET
Last Friday a crane collapsed in lower Manhattan, killing a man named David Wichs. The next day the papers told the story of his life: a Jewish immigrant from Czechoslovakia; a math whiz with a degree from Harvard; a thoughtful neighbor and husband; “the nicest, most trustworthy person that I have known,” according to his boss, Mark Gorton, of Tower Research Capital. Mr. Wichs was just 38 when he died.
I never met Mr. Wichs, but reading about him reminded me of so many people I know in his industry—prodigiously bright and slyly funny, reasonably wealthy but rarely ostentatious, family men of the type who show up at school auctions and United Jewish Appeal dinners. Maybe they voted for Barack Obama the first time, probably not the second. They’re the people who, even now, make American finance the envy of the world.
They’re the most demonized people in America.
That’s the import of Bernie Sanders’s remark, in his debate last week with Hillary Clinton, that “the business model of Wall Street is fraud.” The senator from Vermont went on to say that “corruption is rampant” in the financial sector, his evidence being that “major bank after major bank has reached multibillion settlements” with the feds.
This wasn’t the first time Mr. Sanders has accused Wall Street of fraud, and it surely won’t be the last.
No political or social penalties attach, in today’s America, to the wholesale indictment of this entire industry and the people who work in it. Had another presidential candidate made a similarly damning remark about some other profession—public-school teachers, say, or oil-rig workers—there would have been the usual outcry about false stereotypes, the decline of civility and so on. When Bernie says it about Wall Street there’s a collective shrug, if not nodding agreement.
Some six million people work in financial services in America, according to Commerce Department figures. Take only the securities and investment end of the business, and you’re still talking about 900,000 people, a population that considerably exceeds Vermont’s 626,000. Is Mr. Sanders suggesting that some large proportion of those 900,000 is in on the fraud; that every man among them is a Madoff—including David Wichs? And if they are the criminals he alleges, does he mean to put a few thousand of them behind bars?
Those are questions that ought to be put to Mr. Sanders, and ones his supporters might also want to ask themselves. The strength of the Sanders candidacy is said to lie in the purity of his idealism, especially in contrast to the morally flexible and ideologically ambidextrous candidacy of Mrs. Clinton.
But the reason Mr. Sanders is drawing his big crowds is neither his fanatical sincerity nor his avuncular charm. It’s that
he’s preaching class hatred to people besotted by the politics of envy. Barack Obama, running for president eight years ago, famously suggested to Samuel “Joe the Plumber” Wurzelbacher that “when you spread the wealth around it’s good for everybody.”
Mr. Sanders dispenses with the niceties. “I do not have millionaire or billionaire friends,” he boasts, as if there’s an income ceiling on virtue. That’s telling the 10,100,000 American households with a net worth of at least $1 million (excluding the value of their homes) to buzz off.
It is also telling any intellectually sentient voter that the drift of the modern Democratic Party runs in the same illiberal direction as the Trumpian right, only with a different set of targets. Mr. Sanders thinks Wall Street’s guilt is proved by its capitulation to the demands of a government that could barely prove a single case of banker fraud in court.
Another interpretation is that
a government with almost unlimited powers to break, sue, micromanage or otherwise ruin an unpopular institution is not a government banks are eager to fight. The problem with capitalism isn’t that it concentrates excessive economic power in the hands of the few. It’s that it gives political power ever-tastier treats on which to feast. Covering for that weakness is the reason Wall Street plows money into the pockets of pliable Democrats like Chuck Schumer, Cory Booker—and Mrs. Clinton.
That’s something Mr. Sanders will never understand, being the sort of man whose notion of wisdom is to hold fast to the angry convictions of his adolescence. That may be why he connects with so many younger voters. But it’s also why his moral judgments are so sweeping and juvenile. Wall Street remains one of America’s crowning glories. To insinuate that the people who make it work are swindlers is no less a slur than to tag immigrants as criminals and moochers.
My colleague Holman Jenkins once cracked that some plausible ideas vanish in the presence of thought. I would add that some widespread beliefs vanish in the presence of decency. That goes as much for Bernie Sanders’s economic prejudices as it does for Donald Trump’s ethnic ones, a thought that ought to trouble the placid consciences of this column’s more liberal readers.