Date: 2/12/16
Provider: Kinky Little Nikki
Phone: Will provide
Email Address: p411 PM;
URL / Website: and
City: Jackson area
State: Mississippi
Address: Close to I-55
Appointment Type: Incall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: Yes
Activities: DFK, BJ, DAY, lots of exploring, mish in swing
Session Length: 60
Fee: 250 special (p411, prebooked)
Hair Length and Color: Dark brown, below shoulders, exactly like her showcase
Age: showcase says 29, and that seems right
Smoking Status: Non-Smoker
Ethnic Background: Hispanic
Physical Description: She says hispanic, but that is not particularly pronounced in her appearance. Nikki was probably the most like her showcase I have ever encountered. Those pics and details give an accurate profile of her looks and personality. Hard body. Small tight ass. Tan all over. Short, like 5 foot. Smiles genuinely a lot. Beautiful boobs. Feminine tattoos like a hot stripper would have...tasteful but large tattoos. I think I remember a tongue ring? Greeted me in a tight sexy outfit, but it didn't stay on for long. Took care of herself.
Recommendation: Yes