What’s wrong with a little (or lots of) ass play?

More importantly what ever happened to not yucking other people’s yum?! I read some commentary a little while ago where someone had some disparaging remarks to make about people who were not thin, and who wouldn’t be considered “elite.” What snobbery! In addition, a very nonsensical correlation was drawn between full service sex workers who thoroughly enjoy receiving Greek and other forms of ass play and “desperation” and “low standards.” The logic seemed to be that escorts who are perceived to be “desperate,” whether because they are “fat” or based off of various other foolish assumptions, mostly engage in Greek not because of desire and pleasure, but because they have to lower their standards..

Now, obviously my opinions on the matter aren’t objective. A) I’m an avid lover of receiving and giving ass play! And B) I’m proudly curvy and fall into the category of being not-thin, and seemingly by extension non-elite. Silly me! I was convinced that people of various shapes, sizes, class backgrounds, etc. can and do partake in the pleasures of giving and receiving ass play. And maybe I watch too much feminist and queer porn, but I’ve actually seen some expertly stylized and artistic ass play that I'd have to qualify as high culture.

I'm in such a state of anguish... Am I the only one who thinks Greek and ass play isn't or shouldn't be constrained to class-based assumptions? Or notions of desperation and low standards?
James1588's Avatar
More importantly what ever happened to not yucking other people’s yum?! I read some commentary a little while ago where someone had some disparaging remarks to make about people who were not thin, and who wouldn’t be considered “elite.” What snobbery! In addition, a very nonsensical correlation was drawn between full service sex workers who thoroughly enjoy receiving Greek and other forms of ass play and “desperation” and “low standards.” The logic seemed to be that escorts who are perceived to be “desperate,” whether because they are “fat” or based off of various other foolish assumptions, mostly engage in Greek not because of desire and pleasure, but because they have to lower their standards..

Now, obviously my opinions on the matter aren’t objective. A) I’m an avid lover of receiving and giving ass play! And B) I’m proudly curvy and fall into the category of being not-thin, and seemingly by extension non-elite. Silly me! I was convinced that people of various shapes, sizes, class backgrounds, etc. can and do partake in the pleasures of giving and receiving ass play. And maybe I watch too much feminist and queer porn, but I’ve actually seen some expertly stylized and artistic ass play that I'd have to qualify as high culture.

I'm in such a state of anguish... Am I the only one who thinks Greek and ass play isn't or shouldn't be constrained to class-based assumptions? Or notions of desperation and low standards? Originally Posted by Lena Duvall
I think it's unfortunate that the concept of "elite" even comes into this demimonde. I won't quote all the dictionary definitions of "elite" here, but I will point out that they're all comparative; the concept of "elite" depends on comparison of one with another, or actually a whole group or class of "anothers." That is, it's about competition and consumerism. That's well and good when it comes to cars, or cans of soup, but it's an inappropriate way of thinking about our fellow human beings.

I think it's much better to simply enjoy and appreciate the person one is with, when one is with them, for who and how that person is. For example, my good friend Elisabeth Whispers: she's the very best Elisabeth there is, anywhere, as I'm happy to be able to say from my own experience. I haven't had the privilege of meeting Lena Duvall (yet!), but I'll bet no one else can be Lena the way Lena can. Which of the two is "elite?" Meaningless question.

As for "Greek," it isn't to my taste; but, to borrow a felicitous phrase from Lena, I'm not here to yuck anyone else's yum. Given the nature of anal intercourse, I suppose it may at times be offered as an extraordinary inducement by providers for reasons other than, or even in opposition to, their own enjoyment. But it would certainly be foolish to assume that about any particular provider.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I agree with all of the above.

So far everyone is agreeable in this thread.

Let's keep it going!
I am a greek fan. It seems to me that providers who truly enjoy the experience are more down to earth, hotter and more into sex. Just my observation. I know I will get trashed for that statement but to each their own.
Guest072918's Avatar
In my experience, the vast majority of ladies either don't like anal, or are too scared to try. Many have tried, but had a bad experience, probably with a guy that didn't know what he was doing to ease the lady into it. Some will do it, usually for an upsell, but aren't really into it. In other words, they will tolerate it. And a smaller percentage really do like it. And, an elite few (IMHO) PREFER anal; it really gets them off! usually takes some warm up, but once they get going, greek sends them over the top.

I personally like an occasional trip to the islands, but ONLY if the lady truly enjoys it.as well. Its a taboo that I only get to explore in the hobby. One of the ways I use to determine if a lady truly enjoys greek before I meet her is if it is part of her standard menu with no upsell.

BTW, Lena, you are truly elite in my opinion. I hope we can meet sometime.
Elite all depends on perspective. What is elite to one may not be elite to another. Regarding greek fun. I enjoy it from time to time...again preferably from a gal who is into it and enjoys the trip. If it is a big upsell, that tells me it is more of a toleration and not truly enjoyed. Great thread Lena !
WW1flyingAce's Avatar

I think it's much better to simply enjoy and appreciate the person one is with, when one is with them, for who and how that person is.

WW1flyingAce's Avatar
^100%! Love the one you're with!
DallasRain's Avatar
Lena you are YUMMMY!! I so wanna do you one day!!!!!!!!

Now I don't personally take greek in my sexy booty............BUT
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breastfan's Avatar
Couldn't agree more with everyone in this thread.
The more you post on this board the sexier you get, I love your attitude and the expressing of your opinions in such an open and candid manner.
The last thing on my bucket list.
One of these days, Dallas! I don't know when next you'll be in New Orleans, but I've been wanting to visit Kansas City and elsewhere in the Midwest.

Lena you are YUMMMY!! I so wanna do you one day!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by DallasRain
Thank you, dear!

Couldn't agree more with everyone in this thread.
The more you post on this board the sexier you get, I love your attitude and the expressing of your opinions in such an open and candid manner. Originally Posted by breastfan
mm-good's Avatar
You are not alone lovely.

Do I enjoy various forms of assplay ? Sure. Do i think its is a criteria for me to judge anyone? Heck no!

I have been with ladies that it is a no go zone and others who must to orgasm. Either and everything between is fine. For me, this does not get in the way of having an incredible satisfying time together.

Same goes for her body size shape color etc.

To me, Its all about connection, passion and enjoying your lover(s) to the fullest.

I think those who disparage others - try to use shame, embarrasment or other other ways to raise themselves by trying to make others seem less important or lower in any form or fashion just need to be ignored and the rest of us move on and enjoy this wonderful life and the variety of truly amazing people we get to play and have fun with.
In my experience, women who like greek LOVE greek. Yes, sometimes they may not desire it. However, I have known women whom, when greeked, turn into altogether different animals: Their eyes roll back into their heads, they have deep guttural moans and shouts, and experience orgasms unlike vaginal / clitoral / Gspot variations. And afterwards, they always mentioned how they love to get fucked in their assholes, and how the orgasms are completely different.

Most women, when adequate, gentle time is taken to introduce them to anal, enjoy it. It is the mokes out there who ram their cocks up the womens assholes, who RUIN it ,both the women and their subsequent lovers. Respect the women's starfish as you would want others to respect yours !

And I am always amused at the gents who do not want any play done to their starfish by women. Absolutely the most amazing orgasms are attained by the proper, gentle manipulation of the prostate. Macho idiots are missing out on one of lifes greatest pleasures.
^^^^^ "Respect a women's starfish." I love this and completely agree. Not everyone appreciates starfish stimulation. But for those who do, it is a very delicate area that should be regarded with much care.