Many of the hobbyists posts about provider appeal say that personality and intelligence trumps all. Who wants to have sex with a dumb bitch unless you want to belittle and abuse her? Those guys should be banned from the hobby. I think the worst clients that providers deal with, of course, are the dangerous ones. The second worst clients are not necessarily ugly to look at guys, but the rude, crude, otherwise socially unacceptable men with terrible hygiene. Providers shouldn't have to deal clients that not only have dickheads, but also are dickheads.
I hope some providers at least enjoy the company of ugly, old, fat, men with tiny dicks who are sweet, kind, fun, fun-loving, clean, witty, smart, playful, and happy to see their date; otherwise I'm shit out of luck. Oh, I forgot - with money!
Originally Posted by PsychedelicDog
I do enjoy this type of client. I love me some old, ugly, fat, tiny dicked men!
No, I'm not being sarcastic. I really do. As long as they're sweet, smart, respectful, and appreciate my sense of humor. Agreeing with me on politics is a bonus, but not required. At least hearing my point of view if the conversation goes that direction is a must. I love me a good, spirited political debate.