hello somd

guest111010's Avatar
I'm debating weather to serve the st mary county or not. I don't wanna get in trouble since its so small. Any ideas
stealth's Avatar
Not sure what you mean "trouble". Haven't heard of any issues in Southern Maryland and assume you would do good screening. Not sure what the demand would be; would depend on your type and level of service.

Bottom line ... it comes down to a personal decision.
guest111010's Avatar
Are there a lot of hobbyest. I'm gonna try to stay utr n on eccie n p411 members only. I give very good head lol n enjoy cof or cim. That's all I do.
stealth's Avatar
Good luck getting set up. Can't vouch on the number of hobbiests. Haven't seen you on P411 yet, look forward to it.
guest111010's Avatar
I just moved from texas. So my p411 still is in that zip. I have got around to change it yet. You may email me if ud like to know more.
im here on business. there are alot of guys working tons of hours with alot of cash looking for providers. i cant find anything. you are the first. too far from dc to get providers, plus alot of business there. im a lurker from dallas and havnt hobbied in a while. staying in a hotel until may. im in california too.