Okay we Gents kiss and tell! Is that so wrong?

A prime example is the newly closed BJQ thread. It was childish of us Gents to pick on her. She was one of my ATF and what these forums are for is a swap of info so we can keep a level of saftey and make a personel decision. Payden is another that gets slammed on another forum, but she doesn't fight back. A Provider must remember, this forums is for us guys!
Yes we do get carried away, Sorry for that! But in that, we do sawp info and if a provider comes in and wants to ad, thats great. Its a wonderful place to tell her what we really feel, ie, not worth the date at that price. Or smoking during the visit or stopping during a session to answer the phone, as my last review did 3 different times, Please its MY date.
What sucks is this can be a fantastic resource for a provider to get constructive criticisim.
I have found if I haggle with a provider the date sucks. How do you tell a woman its not worth what she wants without offending?
We post in here.
Like my last review, awsome date awsome reasonable price. Clean, no lingering smell, and young smart woman. The thing I would tell is she like a ghetto sista on the phone , but as GOP college kid at UGA. Okay that may offend her, sucks for her. I know from my PMs she has lost a few dates because of that. She could read these threads and take note or get her AZZ on her shoulders and become all Jerry Springer.

We can be cruel too. Human nature. We should caution ourselves every once in a while because we gents are sticking out knecks out on a few differet levels.
Not sure where I'm going with this. Maybe a rebuttal to that fuse that was lite.
I wonder which of her steadies told her of the thread? Nark! Hope you got a half price for your efforts, LOL! I would.