Body paint

Guest010619's Avatar

Sometimes I just want to try and get covered with tempura or body paint and get on a canvas to see what we come up with.
Anyone else have those thoughts?
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Danson&Highsmith's Avatar
I love women in body paint and would love to help them create. I could not agree more.
PsychedelicMut's Avatar
I can't remember where, but there is another thread that addresses body paint too. My idea was black light paint. Your idea sounds good. Maybe you'd come up with a "Jackson Pollock". lol Another thought would be to put the paint on the paper first, then lie on it face down on it roll off and take a pic body beside the "canvas". The contrast might be fantastic.
Guest010619's Avatar
There had been several threads on body painting and I did respond to one where the gentleman wanted to use latex.
It can take up to several hours to get a desired effect so unless you’re painting with a broad brush (pun intended) you might want to reconsider.
Having had my body painted for a theatrical role, I remember it took several makeup artists to cover my body and face and apply the final make up. Another time I was made to look like a white anglo european but my facial characteristics were not a good match and they also ended up spending time adding basic facial features. I did do a black light session and we did use some UV paints but only on our faces and because of that did not show them in the review.
We plan a more extensive one in the future.
I looked into painting Dallas as a red devil but the time it takes to do it is beyond what I was prepared to spend. There are two kinds of paint one has to be pealed of and the other washes off with water. I don't think there is a way to do either in a hotel room. The devil idea was because her whole body would be with the red paint. It could be applied with a wide brush. A devil tail from the party store and red dye for her hair. I just don't see any one wanting to take the time. I enjoy the pictures from Key West.
DallasRain's Avatar
wooohooo I would love that Tucson!
Guest010619's Avatar
I might take you up on that challenge my dear Dallas. I may know some shortcuts.
Damn, I remember when I used to buy liquid latex by the gallon for making molds.
Last time I used it was to make myself look like a flesh-rotted zombie for a movie premiere back in the 80's.
I really miss those days.
Better yet, let's just put watercolor on our bodies, roll around on a canvas and make some art.
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