careful hobbying in Oklahoma City

Ravasher's Avatar
FunInDFW's Avatar
Is this the same guy that's been doing this for awhile now? Following locally known hot spots for picking up girls then recording them via drone to give to law enforcement?
I suppose those things are fun to play with. But, using them to spy on folks, regardless of the activity, is just wrong. I'm betting he's gonna get a good ass whoopin', if he gets caught.
Iaintliein's Avatar
What a loathsome POS.
mrredcat43's Avatar
I bet Brian Bates himself p4p. He'd make a difference chasing drug dealers instead of harassing hookers and johns
Hobby is a small world!!! I knew that girl back in the day...when she was 18 she was one gorgeous girl but the fast life caught up with her! This Brain Bates definitely something else!
This Brain Bates definitely something else! Originally Posted by TheDallasClient
Yeah, I really don't like this guy for always filming hookers and johns.
there is a smoking gun article on this guy from years ago.. he was actually charged with.. well, you can go read it. its a simple google.

he claims that he supports decriminalizing prostitution so long as its "100% consensual, private and unorganized prostitution" but I'm not sure how he is the 100% judge of it. he's like someone who found his cause, an ounce of fame and... bam. addicted to the thrill.
Iaintliein's Avatar
there is a smoking gun article on this guy from years ago.. he was actually charged with.. well, you can go read it. its a simple google.

he claims that he supports decriminalizing prostitution so long as its "100% consensual, private and unorganized prostitution" but I'm not sure how he is the 100% judge of it. he's like someone who found his cause, an ounce of fame and... bam. addicted to the thrill. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
Certainly I can agree with "100% consensual, and private" but the "unorganized" part can be a little frustrating and happens a lot around here!

I'm going out on a limb and assuming he means "unmanaged", which seems redundant in view of "consensual".

Still, the world is not a better place because of crusaders in my view.
Certainly I can agree with "100% consensual, and private" but the "unorganized" part can be a little frustrating and happens a lot around here!

I'm going out on a limb and assuming he means "unmanaged", which seems redundant in view of "consensual".

Still, the world is not a better place because of crusaders in my view. Originally Posted by Iaintliein
i am not disagreeing with the descriptions either, what i am saying is .. how does he decide what is 100% "pure" (for lack of a better word lol) prostitution as opposed to forced. the line is not black and white. by private does a message board cross the line? the public can read this... thats all I'm saying.

he is being a God about something that he really is in no position to be. considering he was charged with paying ladies to trap men. ladies who he claims are doing this for means that aren't "pure."

what if i had on my bucket list a role play for a guy to pick me up from an area that he focuses on and we do a car date. what if he films us... when i say, "no dude.. I'm a pure prostitute. this is just a fantasy role play.... " will he destroy the tape? lol
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 03-31-2016, 04:16 PM
Hobby all you want....just don't pick up streetwalkers and fuck in your car in daylight.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Well fuck. I guess this means no more 5 dollar blowjobs in some nasty ass garbage dump back alley by some nasty ass street walker. What is a guy to do now?

rcinokc's Avatar
Hobby all you want....just don't pick up streetwalkers and fuck in your car in daylight. Originally Posted by L.A.
That is his target, has been for years. Surprised he hasn't chimed in, he has a handle here you know.
She got a year in prison for getting caught fucking?