Wow you are to funny!! I just want to thin out all over, lose 10lbs, and gain lean muscle.
Originally Posted by BritneyBangs
Britney, those goals are easily within reach. You were on the right path with limiting your sugars and simple carbs.
As far as the cold weather....Gold's gym offers Body Pump classes which are weights and cardio. About 80% of the classes are women. All you need to show up with is motivation.
So, here's what I would recommend for you to achieve your goal.
Sign up at gold's for a no contract membership. That way if you don't like it, you're not stuck paying for a year. Then all you pay is a monthly fee and you can quit anytime you like.
Sign up for their body pump class 3 times per week and maybe add in one or two other classes they offer in the days in between such as yoga, body combat, etc.
The body pump will use weights that they supply and will get you the tone you're looking for without the bulk.
As far as your diet.
1. Wake up each morning and within 30 minutes consume a protein shake that has at least 40 grams of protein. Syntha-6 is a good quality brand that supplies good protein and tastes decent.
2. For the rest of the day, the only carbs you should take in come from vegetables or beans. The rest should be protein sources such as eggs, lean chicken, fish, even some white pork and beef is ok although I would limit those last two types of meat to no more than 3 times per week.
3. Get yourself some Omega-3 fish oil tablets that you take 2-3 times per day with your meals.
4. Build in one "cheat day" per week. On this day and only this day you can take in simple carbs such as rice, potatoes, sweets etc. That should help with the grouchyness

It's important to know that when you first make the switch to this type of clean eating, you will feel a little lethargic the first week. Once your body adapts though, you will notice a difference in your energy levels (going up), body fat (coming down) and overall tone starting to show with the body pump classes thrown in.
5. Get yourself some green tea. Drink at least 2-3 cups of green tea a day. This will help with your energy level and it also increases your metabolism naturally helping you burn fat more efficiently.
6. When you're not taking a class and you find yourself being inactive for more than 30 minutes (unless you're sleeping), get up, stretch. If you're on the computer, step away, lay down, do a set of 20 crunches. You can do that at home. If you're watching a commercial on TV, do a few push-ups or sit-ups until the show comes back on. This way your body stays somewhat active even when you're not "working out".
7. Sleep! Sleep is SO important when you're working out and trying to change your body. 7-8 hours per night minimum and try to have a set schedule if at all possible.
20-40 minute power nap sometime during the day if possible.
These are just a few basic steps to get you going. 10 pounds of fat loss and increasing body tone is very well within your reach in a reasonable amount of time if you follow the above steps.
Good luck!
Ps: No, I don't work for Gold's or CrossFit although I do go to Gold's and CrossFit both when I'm not overseas. The great thing about Gold's right now is that all the classes they offer are covered under your one monthly fee. So let's say you pay $40.00 per month (as an example) this covers full gym use of all equipment and as many classes as you care to take. Cheaper than CrossFit for sure.