Traveling and Prebooking

Mojojo's Avatar
Every now and then we come across threads like "Well since no one is pre-booking im not going to Houston!", or "Since no one is seeing me I'm going back to Bum Fuck Egypt ". Well lets discuss this Traveling issue

Guys how comfortable are you about "pre-booking" if its required? In Houston the answer is pretty much known to be not very but im still gonna ask.

Ladies when you travel does pre-booking play a big role or do you just take the chance go?

I wont commit unless I know im gonna hit. Pre-booking goes on case by case basis with me but nonethless I always tell ladies traveling is like gambling you might come out of pocket or you might come up ahead.
cockstrong's Avatar
for me personally i only prebook if it is a provider that i have seen in the past and know what 2 expect. i cant see prebooking with someone new unless they have a very well reviewed history and a great reputation. most of my hobbying is a spur of the moment kinda thing, whatever im in the mood for when i have time 2 hobby, so that doesnt really go well with prebooking.

just my .02
Wakeup's Avatar
What's pre-booking? Never heard of it...
pre-booking is important to me, it plays a huge role in where i go ..In Houston's case pre book and get the Dallas rate.

.I am happy i came to Houston there are some great gentlemen here.
Stay Warm,
Safire Sweet
I'm with Cockstrong on this one. Most of the time, my hobbying consists of spontaneous booty call type appointments. That's why the ladies I see regularly are so valuable to me.

Basically, I hobby when I'm horny, and this is true with many guys. So, for a provider, traveling is never a sure thing because it's all about timing.

That said, when a provider from out of town is really intriguing to me, I have no problem with pre-booking. My two pre-booking experiences were exceptional. But ladies shouldn't require it at all. I would imagine that for most providers, a trip is most successful when they take advantage of the impulse buyers, allowing time for screening, of course.

This is an incredibly timely post, Mojo... at least for me. I had a pre-booked session scheduled for today, but was forced to cancel because something unexpected came up. This is one of the uncontrollable issues with pre-booking: the hobbyist schedules something and looks forward to meeting, and then life happens in the interim and screws things up. This makes traveling a gamble, regardless of whether or not the provider has clients pre-booked.
1ThickBlond's Avatar
I never expect or rely on prebooking when I tour. Too many guys prebook then cancel last minute or just NCNS. If there is some place I want to tour I just go and hope for the best. Very seldom is it NOT worth my time once I get there.
allofamber's Avatar
Every now and then we come across threads like "Well since no one is pre-booking im not going to Houston!", or "Since no one is seeing me I'm going back to Bum Fuck Egypt ". Well lets discuss this Traveling issue

Guys how comfortable are you about "pre-booking" if its required? In Houston the answer is pretty much known to be not very but im still gonna ask.

Ladies when you travel does pre-booking play a big role or do you just take the chance go?

I wont commit unless I know im gonna hit. Pre-booking goes on case by case basis with me but nonethless I always tell ladies traveling is like gambling you might come out of pocket or you might come up ahead. Originally Posted by mojojo213
Pre-booking is a must.....with that said I feel sorry for any lady trying to "pre-book" in H-town....guys here are not known for it.

Pre-booking really works (for me) in California, New York, Boston, Chicago, & DC....I'm completely pre-booked in all those cities before I even get on the plane...I've never "chanced" a tour, I have to be completely booked for me to even go...
Eccie Addict's Avatar
From a business standpoint I would completely understand a provider requiring prebooking. It cost money to travel somewhere..gas, room, food, whatever you are gonna spend there. It ain't cheap.

Granted I've only precooked once and am glad I did. However I don't prebook hardly ever as like most I am normally a last minute type of guy. Just depends on the lady I'm seeing. If I've seen them before they don't normally have a problem with seeing me. If they do then I respect their way of doing things.
Mojojo's Avatar
Pre-booking is a must.....with that said I feel sorry for any lady trying to "pre-book" in H-town....guys here are not known for it.

Pre-booking really works (for me) in California, New York, Boston, Chicago, & DC....I'm completely pre-booked in all those cities before I even get on the plane...I've never "chanced" a tour, I have to be completely booked for me to even go... Originally Posted by allofamber
You've got big boobies
Amber post again I think you messed up all I saw was an avatar

Justin this has seemed like a hot topic lately.
95% of all my appts whilst I'm on tour somewhere are pre-booked, and in some cases its 100%....I will not tour a city unless I have enough pre-bookings....I also require a 20% deposit for appts 2hrs or more, simply because in the past I've had guys cancel last minute and it completely screwed me over...I very rarely take appointments after I have arrived wherever I'm staying...

If I were a guy, I think if the lady is well reviewed and has a good reputation, then pre-booking is a good idea.....just my .02
Mojojo's Avatar
95% of all my appts whilst I'm on tour somewhere are pre-booked, and in some cases its 100%....I will not tour a city unless I have enough pre-bookings....I also require a 20% deposit for appts 2hrs or more, simply because in the past I've had guys cancel last minute and it completely screwed me over...I very rarely take appointments after I have arrived wherever I'm staying...

If I were a guy, I think if the lady is well reviewed and has a good reputation, then pre-booking is a good idea.....just my .02
Originally Posted by Valerie

I completely agree!!

btw this thread is in no way geared towards you directly, we've just been a lot of visitors lately to which I don't appose
Cant wait to meet ya!
I completely agree!!

btw this thread is in no way geared towards you directly, we've just been a lot of visitors lately to which I don't appose
Cant wait to meet ya! Originally Posted by mojojo213
I didn't think it was love...just wanted to put in my .02
Wakeup's Avatar
20% deposit for 2 hour sessions? Heh good luck with that here...
allofamber's Avatar
You've got big boobies
Amber post again I think you messed up all I saw was an avatar Originally Posted by mojojo213
You act like it's the first time you've seen's not like you havent been there..done them messy....and got the pics to prove it.....nerd.......
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Hold up!!!!! He got pics???? Lol