Ingrown hairs

Do these things bother you, they can be a real embarrassment,,freaking fluid builds up in them,,they never go away, for guys it's right at the belt line, dead ass centre below the belly button,,,(blows the first impression rule,,,) the scars seems to be permanent, bit of makeup helps---but if you have a man flap most likely you got stuff under there that can't be identified

I use a beard trimmer except for the lower shaft and ball skin--dry shave--but down low where the balls transform into the back side is also an ingrown hair area

Maybe its warts or herpes---I hope not
Jannisary's Avatar
You need to go see a Dr. Fluid buildup means infection most likely and scrotum skin is not a place you want a bad skin infection.

I've never had an ingrown hair problem at my belt line but did down below when I first started experimenting with shaving down there. The problem area was near base of my shaft. After a second trip to the Dr for infected hair follicles in less than a year he gave me some very good advice. If you're going to shave down there, you have to keep it shaved down there. Shaving it and letting it grow back to stubble is just asking for ingrown hairs. The Dr and somebody else also recommended using a high quality multi blade razor with a high quality sensitive skin shaving gel instead of the body groomer trimmer/shaver I had been using. The Dr knew what he was talking about and I've not had any issues in the years since taking up his advice.
MaxiMilyen's Avatar
Ingrown hairs are painful, but not permanent.

Try softening the the hair and skin with a really good moisturizing shaving cream before shaving. Never dry shave...ouch! Always ensure you use a sharp razor.

Hope that helps.
Monica13's Avatar
Bump stopper works great, I been using it for years.
BBW Katrina's Avatar

Maybe its warts or herpes---I hope not Originally Posted by Wanna bone
How nonchalant of you...
How nonchalant of you... Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Just kidding,,hahaa funny like, my belt line I will low trim with a beard trimmer now only, with my work and belt and sweat and bending down its just an active and sensitive area to razor shaving, have not tried a moisturizing shaving creme but I doubt it would help with my lifestyle.

But really, i would think that at any given day that a girl or guy is dealing with this problem and if a guy is nursing one is that a gross out turn off?

Personally if I was going down town, I would not like to see them.
Ingrown hairs are painful, but not permanent.

Try softening the the hair and skin with a really good moisturizing shaving cream before shaving. Never dry shave...ouch! Always ensure you use a sharp razor.

Hope that helps. Originally Posted by MaxiMilyen
Thank you Maxi, that does help, you girls work so hard on being a flawless beauty
Bump stopper works great, I been using it for years. Originally Posted by Monica13
"Bump Stopper" I researched it and it does look like a good product, but I can't help but think that this is a product I should be using while deer hunting--stump stopper I guess---lol
PresleyPassion's Avatar
One of my friends gets ingrown hairs all the time in the most odd place.. (her eyebrows) lol, she told me that she gets tweezers, pulls the hair out and then puts campho phenique on it to dry it up and it goes away within a day or so just keep applying it.. I might have to tell her about the bump stopper
Just kidding,,hahaa funny like, my belt line I will low trim with a beard trimmer now only, with my work and belt and sweat and bending down its just an active and sensitive area to razor shaving, have not tried a moisturizing shaving creme but I doubt it would help with my lifestyle.

But really, i would think that at any given day that a girl or guy is dealing with this problem and if a guy is nursing one is that a gross out turn off?

Personally if I was going down town, I would not like to see them. Originally Posted by Wanna bone
Lol yeah any infection is going to cause a woman to not want to see you as many of these infections are contagious like herpes. If it is an ingrown hair and it gets infected it is known as folliculitis and it is usually caused by staph bacteria. In many cases it will clear up on it's own with the help of warm compresses and keeping it clean and sometimes it will need drained and some antibiotics to clear it up

If it is herpes, they also develop a pus filled vessel and are painful. But the difference between herpes and an ingrown hair is that with ingrown hairs you will usually only see one, whereas in herpes cases you will usually see multiple bumps in the gentital area and sometimes on the lip or in the mouth. The best solution is to go see your doctor because herpes can and will repeatedly come back depending on how strong your immune system is whereas folliculitis does not keep coming back.

In the case of herpes they will give you anti-viral medication to keep the breakouts to a minimum but once you get herpes you will have it for life. Herpes is not an std (but genital herpes is) and you can get it from anyone or anywhere because the herpes virus can live on surfaces for 30 min. Which means you could wipe your mouth with a towel that is infected with it, taste your sisters soup with the same spoon she used, or shave with a razor someone else used and in all 3 cases if the herpes virus was present, you will contract it

Most everyone either has herpes 1 (the cold sore herpes) or will get it as it is very common and is easy to spread. Even when you don't have an outbreak you can still pass it on if you are shedding the virus.

Also if you have it make sure you do not take L-arginine for sexual enhancement. Herpes needs L-arginine to grow and L-Lysine will minimize it. Keep in mind many foods have L-arginine in it like chocolate and as long as your L-Lysine levels are higher than L-arginine then you will make great progress in keeping breakouts to a minimum.
azteclust's Avatar
Thats why I just trim only. Every time I shaved ingrown hairs pops out.
joesmo888's Avatar
don't use a razor in sensitive areas. especially if you have curly hair

I recommend clippers only in those spots.. consider getting lazer treatments and be done with it.. pricey but worth it
bule84's Avatar
@ Presleypassion - OMFG, you are gorgeous