Sugar daddies help erase college debt

Toolman54's Avatar
Bobave's Avatar
Like a lot of articles on the SB phenomenon, it paints a gilded picture of things - too many think this is the way it works - "That's just not why I am here," she said. "I wanted to find the most amount of money I could make for the least amount of effort."
The issue is that - both clients & girls would need to put their real identity on there. They do background check etc etc. So you have to give all your real world info . Right now the sites like are legit. What if tomorrow the site is deemed to be illegal & is forced to reveal all the members on there ?

Whereas on sites like Eccie - your identity is concealed. No link to real life info. You can use hobby phone etc etc. I don't know - personally for me sugar daddy websites are too much of a risk. Why get into all that - when on Eccie - you can Pay, Fuck & Leave - and both parties are happy ?
Look what happened to Ashley Madison. Lots of people trusted them,stupid or not, with real world info. What a cluster fuck that turned into after they got hacked.
pmdelites's Avatar
i've said it before and she confirms it [okay, single point data research extrapolation]

<<One graduate student at Columbia University in New York had a scholarship that covered almost all of her tuition, but not her living expenses. She spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the potential impact on her job prospects. She tried to make do — sharing a room with a classmate and working a minimum wage job, plus any freelance work she could get. But still she struggled to pay her rent and utilities, and her grades suffered.

"That's just not why I am here," she said. "I wanted to find the most amount of money I could make for the least amount of effort.">>

* providers see who they want, do what they want, and charge what they want.
and do as little as possible for as much cash as they can get.

* clients see who they want, do what they want, and paid what they want.
and get as much action as possible for as little cash as they can pay.

not much new in the article. in fact, it reads like one i read a few months ago.
click bait.