How tech tools transformed NY's sex trade

blowpop's Avatar
Fascinating article about how technology transformed NYC's sex trade
Very interesting article...

I (personally) have to disagree with the "Abuse" bit, while I know there are ladies in this industry who are abused, or were abused as a child, I have never been abused, and don't have or know of any friends in this industry who have been.....

The other thing that I don't quite agree with is the bit where it says men tend to go with agencies because it makes them feel "less dirty and safer"...Here in the states, most of the men I've seen have told me they prefer to see indy providers. 1). Because they are usually lower volume, and 2). Because they don't feel comfortable with an agency having their personal info (in case the agency gets busted down the road)...Just what I've been told..
uh wtf??? thanks but no

"Condoms and lubricant. If the client wants to skip the condom, there’s usually a 25 percent surcharge"

I seriously doubt many girls would go for this ... or hobbyist for that matter

Other than that very interesting
boardman's Avatar
If the client wants to skip the condom, there’s usually a 25 percent surcharge.
If the client wants to skip the condom, there’s usually a 25 percent surcharge.
C'mon...Seriously? Originally Posted by boardman
It's disgusting, I would never have unprotected sex with a client, but sadly there are girls who will do that for extra $$.....Yuck!
pyramider's Avatar
If the client wants to skip the condom, there’s usually a 25 percent surcharge.
C'mon...Seriously? Originally Posted by boardman
Its the fukkin' unions.
Fascinating article about how technology transformed NYC's sex trade Originally Posted by blowpop
Am I the only one who was unimpressed by this article?

The only thing I was really fascinated by (and am always fascinated by) is the "normal" worlds fascination with us hookers lol! We're consistently demonized and maligned, but everyone wants to know every little detail about our seemingly sordid lives. "What a prostitute always carries?" WTF is that? I never carry band-aids! What am I gonna do with band-aids? My dates don't involve broken skin! Nor spare panties for the chance to sell my used ones lol. And upcharge 25% for unprotected sex? Come on!

From movies like Pretty Woman and The Girlfriend Experience to shows like Cathouse and Secret Diary of a Call Girl, hookers truly are the people America loves to hate.

But about the article:

Soooo disappointing. I was first familiarized with Venkatesh's work when I read the Freakanomics. I didn't read Gang Leader for a Day, but I got the jist of it from Freakonomics, lol. It was great. He approached sociology like an investigative journalist and showed aspects of gang life that had never been presented before. Awesome, awesome work.

But this? He condenses the tech revolution's impact on the world's oldest profession into two fucking pages. Its sensational, fluffed-up crap. I wanna know where he got these numbers. And who he talked to. But I guess facts don't really matter when an "expert" puts forth "numbers" about out little world. People don't really want to know facts... they want empty evidence to support their irrational views about our lives.
Mojojo's Avatar
Am I the only one who was unimpressed by this article?

The only thing I was really fascinated by (and am always fascinated by) is the "normal" worlds fascination with us hookers lol! We're consistently demonized and maligned, but everyone wants to know every little detail about our seemingly sordid lives. "What a prostitute always carries?" WTF is that? I never carry band-aids! What am I gonna do with band-aids? My dates don't involve broken skin! Nor spare panties for the chance to sell my used ones.. Originally Posted by KaraLynnKelley
Here I was thinking I could get collectors item from you so that I could be on a future episode of pawnstars
ICU 812's Avatar
CNN did a special on "Selling The girl Next Door" , ie under age girls. The only one they featured was a confused kid who kept running away from home. They never exposed any traffic in minors.

The reporter posted an ad on BP with an old photo of herself at age 14. It was funny to see how "shocked" she pretended to look when guys actually cakked her cell!

The whole show wound up at a legal brothel in Nevada interviewing adult escorts.

Why don't they interview their male coworkers and really find out how the hobby works?
Htowner's Avatar
Wow so Facebook is gaining on BP, strip clubs and so forth as a source of acquiring clients?
What was the part about escorts providing drugs for the clients? And that is an expense to the escorts? If the are providing it , then it should be a source of profit.