Thoughts on hiring an assistant???.

Once again I'm finding myself extremely busy with emails, text, personal life, that I'm considering hiring an assistant to help with scheduling my appointments and taking my calls. I will be attending college in the fall to finish up my physical therapy degree so that will take away from being able to answer my phone as well.

My question is what is everyone's thoughts on this?
I think it's a great idea! It works well for quite a few ladies. As long as it's someone that you trust to be experienced & thorough in screening.

I think that scenario would also help discourage the type of hobbyist that seems to enjoy just chitchat versus actually scheduling.
Trust me, even if it's only for 3 days a week it will make a difference. Screening emails, paying bills, running errands, and just setting up appointments and making phone calls for you will save you hours every single day. Only down side is you have to be able to trust them 100% as they will have access to every part of your life.
Hogfan69's Avatar
There were 3 different girls in Dallas that I only communicated with thru their assistants the whole time and I never had an issue.
I think it's a great idea! It works well for quite a few ladies. As long as it's someone that you trust to be experienced & thorough in screening.

I think that scenario would also help discourage the type of hobbyist that seems to enjoy just chitchat versus actually scheduling. Originally Posted by Ginger Doll

too much talk and not enough action??