The Other Board

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You know many of us mongers are on other boards too. I think many of those that are serious about the hobby have to be in order to pick up a more complete picture of events that take place and bring them back to the main community at large. What's hard about doing it, is that you have to operate within the constraints on each board....meaning some things are acceptable on one board where on other boards they are not. I learned a lot about this about a year ago. A lot of how things are done has to do with the ethics (the moral principals that governs that person's behavior) of the "god" that sets the rules and regulations on that board.

An example would be: On some other board there was a guy (he might have been relatively new) giving out hotel locations (in a public forum) to where he has seen providers working. Understanding that it's a difference when "Five-0" suspects that girls are operating out of a certain location vs. when an monger actually says they are, I very nicely responded and said,
"It's probably not a good idea to talk about provider locations in an open forum. It's probably best to do that via PM or Face-to-Face." It wasn't said with malice. It was simply a statement to inform the monger and I guess in a sense protect those that actively play this game. The last thing I would want is to be in a relatively quiet St. Charles hotel (and we know Five-0 keeps tabs on what's going on) relaxing with a provider to only have a cop knock on the door because he read on his off-day about illegal activities taking place at that hotel. I've had that shit happen to me a long time ago and it's scary as fuck!!! I'm sure it's happened to other mongers too. And with what's currently going on in the game (it's an election year people), Five-O on a state and federal level have been intense. Ask the chicks that have gotten busted within the last few months and a lot of us know who they are.

So continuing. I put this reply up and then a few days later it was taken down and I was reprimanded. This is what the statement said:

[Deleted by Admin]

EDITOR'S NOTE: This report was edited or deleted because it appeared to be a public effort to discourage members from posting information. If you have a concern about information posted by another member, then please contact them privately by PM. Please read the Forum's Posting Guidelines for further information.

My response was placed in an area called, "Stupid Shit In St. Louis." Exactly where it was supposed to go according to the rules. This is what was stated:

"How does this discourage posting when there was no malice or intent of malice made? If people don't give input based on real-life experiences, how do you learn? How does the
community learn? If I hurt the feelings of the OP, I apologize. Perhaps I should have sent a PM. I'm not sure now if sending a PM would yield the same result as shown above, but now I'm a bit discouraged from doing that in the future. Oh well, we live and learn."

I then, of course, sought feedback from hobby population. I just wanted to know if I was in the wrong. I was hoping to learn. Unfortunately, it never made the airwaves, but I did get a response. It said:

Seriously? You post exactly the same thing disguised as a question and think this won't happen? It's "god's" world and even following the guidelines of posting, it was blocked.

Now what was curious to me is that another well-versed monger with about 100 more posts than me writes a post titled: "Administration Deletes."

His post is still up. Hmmm. And it's not even in the right section.

So, we all have our issues no matter what board we're on. Sometimes you might feel that your ideas and thoughts are devalued. Sometimes you might feel that you are devalued. Never be discouraged. Share what you know....what you have learned if it helps the community. It can only help us all have fun.