Missouri law to expand crime of sex trafficking to cover ads


"will expand the state's sex trafficking laws to ban ads for commercial sex acts on websites, apps and other places in an effort to help crack down on predators."

Don't have a link to the actual bill. Looks like the prudes are trying to tighten the noose. Thoughts?

Read more here: http://www.kansascity.com/news/state...#storylink=cpy
dumars's Avatar

"will expand the state's sex trafficking laws to ban ads for commercial sex acts on websites, apps and other places in an effort to help crack down on predators."

Don't have a link to the actual bill. Looks like the prudes are trying to tighten the noose. Thoughts?
Originally Posted by Passerby
Yup, AP article does not link to bill. I'd have to ask how MO defines "trafficking". Is this a death blow to AMPs? Pimps, drivers, etc? Would it include self "trafficking"? Would a hobbyist be a "predator"?

Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
Mentioned in Coed a couple days ago.
That thread includes links to the bill etc.

Yup, AP article does not link to bill. I'd have to ask how MO defines "trafficking". Is this a death blow to AMPs? Pimps, drivers, etc? Would it include self "trafficking"? Would a hobbyist be a "predator"? Originally Posted by dumars
I believe it is supposed to have a chilling effect on "johns". Another state (think LA) revamped their law and is attempting to create the legal fiction that the escort is the victim and the john is the trafficker, even though the john has nothing to do with advertising or "management".

The MO bill from the link below appears to be broad enough to be used against johns in the same way, but it is only a bill.

Mentioned in Coed a couple days ago.
That thread includes links to the bill etc.

http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=1754146 Originally Posted by Unique_Carpenter
Thanks for the link
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
The MO bill from the link below appears to be broad enough to be used against johns in the same way, but it is only a bill.
Thanks for the link Originally Posted by Passerby
Its much more than a bill. It is current law.

If you read the second header line, or if you check the "bill history" the MO Senate passed it (agreed to) and the Governor signed it June 22nd and went to Secretary of state same day. Thus, active law.

Read it carefully, they are after traffickers and most of the language is aimed at under age situations.

However, no one, (absolutely anyone) should post an ad for someone else, cause that's one of the new definitions for traffickers.
page 6, section 566.209, lines 2 & 3.

Last, harassment and stalking issues, have also been redefined and clarified (to apply to more situations).

Here's the link again.

May have just become safer on the ks side.