Way to go Barack! Barry sets a record for having the flag at half mast

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
At this point in time Barack has ordered the American flag to be flown at half mast 165 days during his presidency. This is another personal record for the O man just like the debt.

roaringfork's Avatar
Not really that remarkable--for a guy who's probably not too crazy about the American flag in the first place.
LexusLover's Avatar
How's he doing on executive order reversals?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Leave it JDrunk to keep count.

He's the official ECCIE flag monitor.

If we had more flags, we wouldn't have to be raising and lowering them all the time, right?

They could defend themselves...

At least you're not tryi to be glib and snarky every time there's a mass murder in the world...
Half Mast Flag makes Barry The 0zombie King's Ass Wet...

Do Black Lies Matter?

July 16, 2016

The goal of Black Lives Matter, according to their website, is to put an end to violence against black people by whites and, especially, by police. They point to the killings of Trayvon Martin in Florida and Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri as examples of such violence. That the official investigations into both incidents found no grounds to charge either George Zimmerman, who claimed to have shot Trayvon Martin in self-defense, or Darren Wilson, the policeman who shot Michael Brown, has not stopped Black Lives Matter from using these incidents to generate anger against police around the country. On the face of it, Black Lives Matter appear to be unscrupulous provocateurs determined to exploit these and other police shootings of blacks regardless of whether the shootings were objectively justified.

But this idea that Black Lives Matter shamelessly ignore the truth does not quite capture what they are really about. According to co-founder Alicia Garza, to say that black lives matter is to say that "1 million Black people ... locked in cages in this country ... is an act of state violence."

She seems to be indicting the entire justice system here. She seems to be saying that it makes no difference whether every one of those one million was found guilty by due process of law; the system that put them behind bars is itself the perpetrator of an illegitimate "act of state violence."

Ms. Garza's explicit criticisms, though, tend to be directed squarely at the police. "[P]olicing as a whole in this country is deeply, deeply corrupt and cannot be reformed," she told the Huffingtonpost. Black Lives Matter, she said, aims to tear down "the assumption that black people are criminals." One way to attack that assumption would be to reduce the crime rate among blacks. But Black Lives Matter operate on the premise that there is no crime problem in America, just a police problem.

But Ms. Garza's problems with America go far beyond our "failed policing system." "Black poverty ... is state violence," she writes on the Black Lives Matter website. She implies that, because a far greater proportion of blacks than whites live in poverty, our entire capitalist system is illegitimate. "The enemy is now and always has been," she writes, "the four threats of white supremacy, patriarchy, capitalism, and militarism."

Capitalism is based on the institution of private property, without which all the other constitutional rights familiar to Americans, including freedom of religion, speech, and press, would not be possible. To indict capitalism is to indict the whole American system of government.

And what about her mention of "white supremacy"? Since ending legally enforced segregation in the 1960s, Americans have worked diligently to make equality before the law a reality. Ms. Garza seems to imply that the government of a polity composed of a white majority and a black minority can not claim to govern that black minority legitimately.

Asked by a writer for Essence.com if she thought revolution would be the answer to injustice against blacks, Ms. Garza answered, "I think we have to be clear that revolution is a process." In other words, yes, revolution is the answer, though not the sudden, violent kind. "If people are serious about ... getting to the next level, it really has to be focused on ... building a base of power that is more powerful than their power," she said.

But what about the question of inciting violence, such as the shooting of policemen in Dallas? Ms. Garza explicitly abjures violence. True, there are videos of Black Lives Matter protesters calling for the killing of policemen. But the movement is decentralized, and its leaders are not necessarily responsible for the actions of all who march under their banner. (Protesters who do incite violence, against the police or otherwise, should be arrested. Free speech never has included the inciting of violence.)

On the other hand, as long as Black Lives Matter aim to incite rage against the police, they must accept responsibility for the consequences of that rage. Indeed, Ms. Garza is under no illusions about what lies ahead. In response to the Dallas shootings, she told the Huffingtonpost, "This country in particular is having a very, very difficult time with addressing the root causes of the problems that we face and that until we actually get to that point, unfortunately I do believe we're gonna have a lot more chaos and confusion."

Lest there be any doubt about the true nature of Black Lives Matter, consider this from Ms. Garza: "When I use Assata's powerful demand in my organizing work, I always begin by sharing where it comes from, sharing Assata's significance to the Black Liberation Movement, what its political purpose and message is, and why it's important in our context." "Assata" is Joanne Deborah Chesimard, convicted of the 1973 murder of New Jersey State Trooper Werner Foerster, and added to the FBI's Most Wanted Terrorists list in 2013.

In their own view, Black Lives Matter do not lie about cases like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown. They simply do not accept the legitimacy of the police, or the government, in a majority white, capitalist country like the United States. They are indeed trying to exploit these shootings of blacks by police, but specifically as a way of promoting their own revolutionary ideology.

Several conclusions follow from this analysis of Black Lives Matter. First, statistics that belie their claims, such as those contained in Heather MacDonald's new book, The War on Cops, are irrelevant to them.
Second, there is no reason to take Black Lives Matter's charges seriously. They are operating from a set of premises that render their criticism of the police completely unreliable.

Third, there can be no compromising with them. What they aspire to is diametrically opposed to the principles on which the United States was founded. Any attempt to mollify or appease them must, of necessity, involve a compromise of those principles. As Milwaukee County Sheriff, David Clarke, has said, we should do everything in our power to "delegitimize" Black Lives Matter.

And that brings us to the final point. President Obama's meeting with Brittany Packnett of Black Lives Matter at the White House on February 12th of this year, his praising of the group on that occasion as "much better organizers than I was at their age," and his just-concluded second meeting with them following the Dallas shootings, speak volumes about his political sympathies. More evidence, as though more were needed, that Mr. Obama is the first anti-American president.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Has he got his handicap down to 16 yet?
Here this will help you guys get it back to full staff. It is a bitch for you only being half staff.

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Wow EVa, you got a whole mess of blue pills. WhAt do you use them for.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Of course, JDrunk points out the color of the pills...
Wow EVa, you got a whole mess of blue pills. WhAt do you use them for. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Get one of your students to read it to you judy.
Wow EVa, you got a whole mess of blue pills. WhAt do you use them for. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
A eunuch like EKIM and assup must pass them out to their customers down at the 'holes so that they won't be " half staffed " when packing EKIM or assup's fudge !