What's the name of your Tally Wacker?

FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have found out though most of my life that 85% of men have named their Johnson. Now I have asked why is this. Never once have I ever considered naming my tits. What the hell would I even call them? Ren and Stimpy? My v-j? Garfield? So if women never consider the idea of naming their sexual anatomy then why do males? Not only do they name the their golden pole but the vast and astonishing array of names never fails to amaze me! So guys tell us of your chosen alter ego name, and providers what names have you heard that you can never unhear.
FirePhoenix's Avatar
  • TCB
  • 07-17-2016, 03:08 PM
MrThom's Avatar
Dead-Eye Dick
FirePhoenix's Avatar
Never once have I ever considered naming my tits. What the hell would I even call them? Ren and Stimpy? Originally Posted by FirePhoenix
I suggest: Hugin and Munin.

I've never heard of anyone I know naming their own junk. I think most men's broad swords get named by wives or girlfriends who are a little inhibited and feel more comfortable going face-to-face with "Richard the Lion-parted" than with "cock".
FirePhoenix's Avatar
I have to disagree with you buying your way.
I named my ex bf's the "Hulk" because he was a definite grower and he hulked out man, I miss those guys sometimes.
Asfaloth54's Avatar
First, your premise is false. Women do name their genitals. Pamela Anderson calls her boobs Pancho and Lefty. An ex calls her pussy Platinum. Another calls hers Gladys.

That said, my ex called my dick Russell, the Love Muscle. No idea why. She just thought that was cute. ��
  • 2dogs
  • 07-17-2016, 09:12 PM
You mean my pecker?
micktoz's Avatar
Never called mine anything other than my cock. My first SO had names for her boobs though.
Bobave's Avatar
I suggest: Hugin and Munin.

I've never heard of anyone I know naming their own junk. I think most men's broad swords get named by wives or girlfriends. Originally Posted by Buying a *Way to Heaven
Agree on both points. It never even occurred to me to give my dick a name, but my ex-wife promptly named it by the second time we shagged, before we were married.
Bobave's Avatar
That said, my ex called my dick Russell, the Love Muscle. No idea why. She just thought that was cute. �� Originally Posted by Asfaloth54
Have to admit, that was pretty clever.
MobyD789's Avatar
Sir. Lancelot, and about the reason guys name it, because it has a mind of it's own. Example one time when I was alone with my wife's sister, she came on to me, I didn't want to do it, but he did, Oh boy did he want it, and yes he won out, It possesses magical powers to control us, warps our mind and takes control over our body.

That's my story and sticking to it.
One of my hobby ATFs has named mine "Thor." Our sessions are known between us as "Hammer Time."