Chris Long... Really?

DRSlut's Avatar
Mods and Members:

Is this "Chris Long" for real? He has quite a few "reviews" and "posts" for only being with us a short time, and quite a few "No" recommendations to boot.

Just saying...
Thanks for the post!

The Modstaff is aware brother...give us a little time

DRSlut's Avatar
Thanks! He seems to be hurting provider's status/reputation.

Thanks again!!
Thanks! He seems to be hurting provider's status/reputation.

Thanks again!! Originally Posted by DRSlut
Based on the feedback from other members...seems like he's only hurting his own reputation...IMO

l25_rules's Avatar
I was suspicious after the first 4 posts. Now? Whoooooooooooooo! Not too subtle. I guess he blew it by picking on the wrong provider. Well, maybe not blew it, I was not buying it after the second day, but today his lack of veracity has been broadcast forum-wide.
notanewbie's Avatar
Chris has asked his account be we're locking the reviews...nothing more to see here folks


***this was posted on one of his last reviews***
Wayward's Avatar
Nice work, quick catch for this type of thing.
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
He has never seen us so if he has anything, it's not us. Could be an "agency" trying to better their position.........New agencies tend to do this crap..
dearhunter's Avatar
Captain Gus's Avatar
+1 dear hunter;