Negative reviews, and bad experiences

Can SO easily be avoided, by taking your time and doing MORE research!

If I was a guy ... ... here is what I would do to assure myself of a great time ...

First I would check out a profile here on Eccie. Then once I found a gal I was interested in, I would check out her reviews here. Now .... this is where MOST of you end up stopping! THAT is the mistake. What you should do next, is go to several ... yes several ... "other" escort site boards/forums and make certain the gal you are interested in has the same photos, and most importantly the same "smilar" quality reviews you are looking for. Now don't stop there! Next let google be your friend. Google her name. Google her phone number. Google/search for more reviews on her. When your all done, and if everything is consistent with what your looking for, then you have a VERY good chance of assuring yourself of a wonderful experience!!

I hope this helps!

~ Lorsha