No, this isn't a race thing. I was once involved in BDSM before I started escorting. I had a few masters but never found the right fit.
One master was in Conway. I would see him a few times a week for out "session". I hated it, though. He was the size of a house, could barely walk, had bed sores all over his back and legs, and each flap of skin smelled like 3-day decay in the hot sun. It was NASTY! And of course, his favorite things were BJs. My hands and face smelled like road kill for hours! I couldn't scrub it off! That ended after a few weeks.
Another master of mine was in Little Rock. He loved race play with little black girls, hated black men. He was hateful, though, I only had one session with him before I blocked him.
I also had some online masters, but that got boring since I wasn't actually being disciplined by them.
After a while, I gave up my search. Most doms are just glorified abusive men that think having a slave gives them the right to beat her. No...wrong.
I'll probably never have a master again since I love the money too much and giving my free time away to some jerk isn't a good time for me. I do love being submissive to my more "controlling" clients. The ones that know what they want and aren't afraid to get it.
Want me to be submissive? Prove that you are worthy of my trust.