because he can't prove it. assup "claims" i accepted some bet .. something about an election in the near future....not sure what he means by that.
i never accepted any such bet and assup knows it.
so ... i will call his bet with my own.
if assup the pig faced dog (or the dog faced pig) can provide one post i have made, accepting this "bet" then i will never post in this forum again, EVER.
if on the other hand, assup can't provide such a post, then he will never post in this forum again, EVER.
do you take the bet, pig??
assup the homo pig will not accept. he will not reply. he is a fucktard coward liar. his non-post to this thread proves it.
assup, if you post anything to this thread that is not a link to my accepting your "bet" then you lose my bet.
and with one click .. assup the pig is banished .. FOREVER!