the bet assup is afraid to make ..

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
because he can't prove it. assup "claims" i accepted some bet .. something about an election in the near future....not sure what he means by that.

i never accepted any such bet and assup knows it.

so ... i will call his bet with my own.

if assup the pig faced dog (or the dog faced pig) can provide one post i have made, accepting this "bet" then i will never post in this forum again, EVER.

if on the other hand, assup can't provide such a post, then he will never post in this forum again, EVER.

do you take the bet, pig??

assup the homo pig will not accept. he will not reply. he is a fucktard coward liar. his non-post to this thread proves it.

assup, if you post anything to this thread that is not a link to my accepting your "bet" then you lose my bet.


and with one click .. assup the pig is banished .. FOREVER!
Assup says I accepted some bet also.

Obamacare has been ineffective at helping him.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Assup says I accepted some bet also.

Obamacare has been ineffective at helping him. Originally Posted by gnadfly

assup makes bets his ass can't cash. and given he has an ass wider than the Grand Canyon ... that's one BIG ASS .. er BET!



  • DSK
  • 08-30-2016, 10:09 PM
This Assup character knows how to make friends, doesn't he??
lustylad's Avatar
assup makes bets his ass can't cash. and given he has an ass wider than the Grand Canyon ... that's one BIG ASS... er BET! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
That's a funny one, Kid! I seem to recall Cap'n Midnight hurled a similar insult at someone recently... oh yeah, here it is:

You have repeatedly shown a terribly embarrassing penchant for letting your impetuousness and your obnoxiousness write checks that your brain can't cash. Originally Posted by CaptainMidnight
Pretty funny stuff - any way you put it! Assup can't cash that check with his ass OR his brain! And we can't tell the difference between the two anyway!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
i shouldn't post this but i'll put I'ma bigot into the loop! he has me on ignore so if he replies to this thread, he's also guilty! even if he doesn't know it!

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This is the first time I remember you trying to deny this, WWE.

If I was wrong (and that's a big "if"), you sure could have said something about it before now, right? DId you? For the past four months?

Burden of proof is on you, WWE. Otherwise, you're just shitting in the wind again.

I'm not interested in your bet. I've taken Baboono's. Have you?

Or are you ready for Hillary?
Munchmasterman's Avatar
That's a funny one, Kid! I seem to recall Cap'n Midnight hurled a similar insult at someone recently... oh yeah, here it is:

Pretty funny stuff - any way you put it! Hardly original. Assup can't cash that check with his ass OR his brain! And we can't tell the difference between the two anyway! Originally Posted by lustylad
Stinger: Maverick, you just did an incredibly brave thing. What you should have done was land your plane! You don't own that plane, the tax payers do! Son, your ego is writing checks your body can't cash. You've been busted, you lost your qualifications as section leader three times, put in hack twice by me, with a history of high speed passes over five air control towers, and one admiral's daughter!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
This is the first time I remember you trying to deny this, WWE.

trying?? ahahahah i am denying it.

If I was wrong (and that's a big "if"), you sure could have said something about it before now, right? DId you? For the past four months?

lol did you poop the last of your brains out today? there's no IF in this, assup.

Burden of proof is on you, WWE. Otherwise, you're just shitting in the wind again.

i think not.

I'm not interested in your bet. I've taken Baboono's. Have you?

Or are you ready for Hillary? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

nope, you dope. i never took the bet and it's on your ass to prove it.
i shouldn't post this but i'll put I'ma bigot into the loop! he has me on ignore so if he replies to this thread, he's also guilty! even if he doesn't know it!

SNICK Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
Well, EKIM IS his main WK and personal dingleberry picker !
bambino's Avatar
This is the first time I remember you trying to deny this, WWE.

If I was wrong (and that's a big "if"), you sure could have said something about it before now, right? DId you? For the past four months?

Burden of proof is on you, WWE. Otherwise, you're just shitting in the wind again.

I'm not interested in your bet. I've taken Baboono's. Have you?

Or are you ready for Hillary? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Post a link where you accepted my bet you cocksucking liar. I only have a bet with Biggie Smalls. You wimped out.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
because he can't prove it. assup "claims" i accepted some bet .. something about an election in the near future....not sure what he means by that.

i never accepted any such bet and assup knows it.

so ... i will call his bet with my own.

if assup the pig faced dog (or the dog faced pig) can provide one post i have made, accepting this "bet" then i will never post in this forum again, EVER.

if on the other hand, assup can't provide such a post, then he will never post in this forum again, EVER.

do you take the bet, pig??

assup the homo pig will not accept. he will not reply. he is a fucktard coward liar. his non-post to this thread proves it.

assup, if you post anything to this thread that is not a link to my accepting your "bet" then you lose my bet.


and with one click .. assup the pig is banished .. FOREVER! Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
you lost the bet. SNICK!