The U.S not in top 10 most free countries in the world

dilbert firestorm's Avatar

US. falls at 15th place.

'The U.S. was ranked highly in all categories except safety and security, where it has dropped to number 33. In fact, in the study’s key findings, it said the U.S. is “an increasingly dangerous place.”
“It is also the only Western country to register high levels of state-sponsored political violence,” the study says. “According to Amnesty International the country has the same level of political violence as Saudi Arabia.”'

wait... political violence in U.S.???? are they referring to race & BLM protests and police shootings?
bambino's Avatar
If Clinton gets elected, we'll drop further.
Munchmasterman's Avatar

US. falls at 15th place.

'The U.S. was ranked highly in all categories except safety and security, where it has dropped to number 33. In fact, in the study’s key findings, it said the U.S. is “an increasingly dangerous place.”
“It is also the only Western country to register high levels of state-sponsored political violence,” the study says. “According to Amnesty International the country has the same level of political violence as Saudi Arabia.”'

wait... political violence in U.S.???? are they referring to race & BLM protests and police shootings?
Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
And trump rallies.