If you must cancel

Sweet N Little's Avatar
What do you consider the appropriate amount of time ?
And by which method, phone, email , pm?
I always consider the amount of time, and try to make it at least a day.

Once a lady called 20 minutes before the appt. to tell me she was running 4 hours late. I canceled on that one.
I will respond as soon as I know and usually with a call first, followed by a text. Seldom by email.
jughead1171's Avatar
What do you consider the appropriate amount of time ?
And by which method, phone, email , pm? Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Depends, depends, depends. LOL. I think it could vary on both sides depending on the situation. Ideally the sooner (2 or 3 days) the better. If soon enough email or pm and if later then phone call or text.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
What do you consider the appropriate amount of time ?
And by which method, phone, email , pm? Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Appropriate? Well...... Days? Weeks? But canceling usually means something came up that is otherwise unavoidable..... so basically.... the INSTANT I know that the session is in danger of not happening (even if there is a chance that it very well still could) I let the provider know..... I let her know that there is a good chance of me not being able to make it, and if she would like to re-schedule with someone else in stead, or roll the dice that I may be able to make it, no hard feelings to me......Phone call is preferred, but whatever method that particular provider preferes gets used, and I continue on until I get a response back in confirmation.....

topsgt38801's Avatar
I will call or text the very minute I find out I cannot keep the commitment and preferably the call to be sure they know. The only way I would not give adequate notice if last minute illness, tragedy or critical issue in job.

All of you pretty ladies deserve that respect and I would expect the same from you. Sometimes things are just totally unavoidable.

I don't care how you let me know..just let me know ASAP and there won't be any hard feelings. It takes so long to get ready for you guys! lol
I don't care how you let me know..just let me know ASAP and there won't be any hard feelings. It takes so long to get ready for you guys! lol Originally Posted by AimeeAims
I agree ASAP. But I can't imagine in my wildest dreams what takes so long. You are soooo naturally beautiful!!