book em danno

Looks like they bagged another one last night per the LC booking report. not an especially good one by the way. in fact, pretty bad, but hate to see anyone get arrested.
WTF you talking about? I don't see any arrests for yesterday or the day before for sex-related offenses.
Jjsunday's Avatar
WTF you talking about? I don't see any arrests for yesterday or the day before for sex-related offenses. Originally Posted by georgehentson
It wasn't a sex-related offenses but she has been popped a few times. She may already be out on what she was charged for.I think Mr Jackson was just trying to have our back and just let us know just in case.

You Know I have seen her before . It was a while back she was real sweet to me and I had fun with her but I have heard Mixed reviews.So I have only seen her the one time.
Y'all need to tread lightly here. I've seen it here on other city's forums where linking a provider to a RW identity is considered outing, even if the RW information is posted in the news media.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Y'all need to tread lightly here. I've seen it here on other city's forums where linking a provider Thats a member of eccie to a RW identity is considered outing, even if the RW information is posted in the news media. Originally Posted by biggestbubba
Fixed it for you !

Thanks for the heads up.

But fuck that shit man. I really don't think you know what you are Talking about. How can we out someone that not a member.she a BP girl and not on here.We can really talk about her how we want.There's no rule about non Member's. I bet you think the people that are on a boat coming over here from another country have Constitutional rights too......well they don't..... just like the eccie GL don't apply to a non member.

GL #5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly.

I didn't read anything about Non-Members !

Run on back to Texas with that shit Bubba.........
That's right JJ!
Mister J don't play.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Thanks Guy
I hate to see someone come in here trying to make it look like we are doing something wrong, when we aren't. I didn't want anyone to take this the wrong way and stop or slow down on posting stuff. Hell I need all the help I can get with this woman here. lol
DocHolyday's Avatar
Y'all need to tread lightly here. I've seen it here on other city's forums where linking a provider to a RW identity is considered outing, even if the RW information is posted in the news media. Originally Posted by biggestbubba
Y'all better listen to BB. He is right!

+1 BB
Jjsunday's Avatar
I've seen it here on other city's forums where linking a provider That's a Eccie board member to a RW identity is considered outing, even if the RW information is posted in the news media. Originally Posted by biggestbubba
FIFY again Marshal Doc......

BB is not right and Nether are you Doc!

Again you can't out a Non Member

and she not a Member !!!!

you better to go ask somebody !

Sweet Tebow ........San AnnTards are just coming out of the Wood Work
Jjsunday's Avatar
But ........FYI ......

#5 - Outing or threats of outing are taken seriously. Membership here is anonymous and for the privacy of our members it will remain that way. That means any effort or attempt to connect a person's real world information to their username on this board will be dealt with swiftly and harshly. This includes real names, employment, medical info, addresses past or present, images, criminal or driving record, etc. We expect everyone who participates here to respect and go to great lengths to protect the anonymity and privacy of one another. Reckless disregard or accidental outing will also be taken very seriously.
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Jj but I saw nothing in the OP's original post that indicate the lady is a NON-MEMBER!
I would think that the fact she uses pictures that she also posts to facebook as proof this particular girl could care less about good or bad publicity and being outed.
Jjsunday's Avatar
Pardon me Jj but I saw nothing in the OP's original post that indicate the lady is a NON-MEMBER! Originally Posted by DocHolyday
NO problem Doc you didn't know your not from Here......But you should have seen where I Told BB that she is a Non-Member tho Since you said he was right about this BS .........But Life is to short to just stay pissed all the time....I would rather be pounding something !
Jjsunday's Avatar
I would think that the fact she uses pictures that she also posts to facebook as proof this particular girl could care less about good or bad publicity and being outed. Originally Posted by boba fetto
Hell we all know she Don't get two Rats Asses about anything.

Hell no one can even pick her out of that line up but just a few of us lol

But like I said the time I meet her she was a sweet girl so I really don't have anything bad to say about her But I know I have heard some shit about her but really She was just a BNG for me. Most of the BP girls are just BNG's and that the way they want it Too.

But the real truth is we only have 5 girls in tally that are members of eccie That I know of, we do get alot of Visiting girls that are members and we should give them the Respect that's due to members.

I know I try to give all the girls here in tally members or not respect just because I hate Disk-ing anyone it's just the way I am.

But still we can't Out a Non-Member it just can't be done ! They have no User Name to out !