This is Totally Insane!!!!

I'm sure there will not be any unintended consequences.
Toeliquor's Avatar
When I look up SB1332 it is about firearms 1520160SB1332

Why did I read this?
The link is to SB 1322, which legalizes underage prostitution.
Toeliquor's Avatar
My mistake sorry.
Lexxxy's Avatar
*sigh* Oh man

I'm sure there will not be any unintended consequences. Originally Posted by wesmantooth
Another reason to let those fucktards in CA succeed from the union.
I think there is some confusion.

The state of California has not legalized child prostitution, contrary to reports you may have read online recently.
The law, signed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) in September, does decriminalize prostitution in the case of minors — an important distinction as the law aims to protect children by treating them as victims, not as criminals.
SB 1322, in fact, bans police officers from charging minors with prostitution. Law enforcement officials will be able to take minors into temporary custody but under limited circumstances — including if there is an imminent threat to their lives.
And sex traffickers will still be held accountable.

Sounds like its decriminalizing it so that the victims don't get taken advantage of by weird laws. Kind of like how a kid can get put on a sex offender list by sending another kid a picture of themselves due to the strict letter of the law. Its better not to immediately jump to conclusions on more drastic news like this. Had me thinking shit was getting real for a minute.
Thanks for clarifying Akuma - your post was definitely needed
loneshark's Avatar
I think there is some confusion.

The state of California has not legalized child prostitution, contrary to reports you may have read online recently.
The law, signed by Gov. Jerry Brown (D) in September, does decriminalize prostitution in the case of minors — an important distinction as the law aims to protect children by treating them as victims, not as criminals.
SB 1322, in fact, bans police officers from charging minors with prostitution. Law enforcement officials will be able to take minors into temporary custody but under limited circumstances — including if there is an imminent threat to their lives.
And sex traffickers will still be held accountable.

Sounds like its decriminalizing it so that the victims don't get taken advantage of by weird laws. Kind of like how a kid can get put on a sex offender list by sending another kid a picture of themselves due to the strict letter of the law. Its better not to immediately jump to conclusions on more drastic news like this. Had me thinking shit was getting real for a minute. Originally Posted by akuma999
California just has to be different and crazy.

The way its worded its bad for underage girls basically it means the girl is free to walk the street and do what she wants some girls do have a helper near by but if she wants to work as a prostitute and as long as she says she has no pimp what can they do. I see this as a way to get back to what the crazy's in Cali like young girls on the street. Portland and Seattle were known for underage walkers years ago.
There are too many overzealous prosecutors looking for easy convictions, collateral damage notwithstanding. Anything that limits prosecutorial overreach is a win IMHO.
Its not legalizing child prostitution. Basically what its trying to do is instead of underage kids who are busted going to jail...they go to a half way house. Its a way to try and help rehabilitate rather than just throwing them in the prison system. Now if it will work is another story...
loneshark's Avatar
They can't put them in a half way house because under the law they can't be charged with anything.