Dancing/ stripping

ErikaCharms's Avatar
Hey ladies and gents last night I went and tried to dance it was a total bust. The club didn't help me give me tips or anything just told me to "go out there and get my money"😩 I ended up leaving early but I do want to try again does anyone have any pointers or tips ? I hope this is the right forum for this .
Thinks in advance
Contralto's Avatar
You're a beautiful young lady and no doubt you'll get lots of advice here, probably most of it better than mine. But since I've spent my share of time in the clubs and contributed significantly to their bottom line perhaps I can make a relevant comment or two.

You probably did more right than you think. It's an art form to be sure and no one--and I mean NO ONE--does it right their first time. Most ladies are somewhat inhibited at first and that shyness and inexperience comes through as a lack of confidence. You are dancing to completely enchant the mind of the gentleman (if you want to be paid well) and confidence is required to do that--confidence in your body, confidence in your ability to control me, and confidence in the unlimited supply of cash in my wallet.

Why don't you try it again and this time cut yourself some slack? Dancing is a fantasy game, I know it and you should know it. As long as we're both OK playing the game, it will all end well.

All the best to you.
ErikaCharms's Avatar
Contralto thank you that's great advice I was so nervous I may try again but I'm not sure when I just felt so insecure in the club I hate to say it
Chung Tran's Avatar
let me know what club, and what time you will be there, and I will go see you.. and let you know what you did right or wrong.

then we can go have a session together
ErikaCharms's Avatar
@Chung lol I will if I decide to go back I'd love that 😘
Almost all of my contributions to this site have been in the SC section, so I have some experience with the dance game. I have a few pointers on what seems to work on me, at least. First, when you meet a customer, don't let the first words out of your mouth be "wanna dance?" It's easier to reflexively say no when asked that, and it only shows a passing interest. Say something flirty first, or ask a question that doesn't require a yes or no answer. Make me talk to you. Second, smile on stage. Look like you're having fun and we will want to have fun with you too. Also, touch is important. If a dancer sits 4 feet away from me with her hands in her lap when we chat, I wonder if her dances could be that involved. Use your touch to seduce me. I'm not saying to grab my dick (but that works wonders if you're comfortable doing that) but rub my shoulder, play with my hair, rub my leg, something like that. If we chat a bit while you rub my thigh, then you smile, inch your hand up my inner thigh and ask if I "want to have some fun," the money in my pocket will be yours.
It's seduction, its a show. If your performance makes me feel like you really want me I'm all in.

And last tip, let me know where you'll be next time you dance, because you're gorgeous!
CuriousJames's Avatar
Watch Ted Talk on body language. It has helped me a ton when I am nervous before a talk I am giving or an interview. Google Ted Talk, Fake it, till you make it. It is awesome.

Sounds corny, but it is an 18 minute talk that will carry over into everyday life.
Johnrubbit's Avatar
Maybe wrong club try Lodge, The Mens Club, BabyDolls or anyone of the Bucks. Pretty simple set a revenue day goal, be friendly, sit down strike up a conversation and about 15 minutes later ask them if they want to go have some fun! Most guys will say yes. If not hitting revenue goal be more friendly. Pretty simple...
Hey Erika don't know if you remember me...but I'll come see you and you can be my first strip club bj on the down low!
ErikaCharms's Avatar
Thank you everyone for the advice 😘
I may have to watch Ted Talk . I think my main problem is social anxiety. I get so anxious speaking to new people in public places.
Erika you are beautiful, trust me the guys are probably more nervous than you
Sierra Sinclair's Avatar
I've danced off and on for years and the best advice someone gave me when I started was to fake it til you make it! Confidence is sexy! If you think you're the hottest thing in the club so will others Feel free to PM me for more tips
billw1032's Avatar
... First, when you meet a customer, don't let the first words out of your mouth be "wanna dance?" ... Second, smile on stage. Look like you're having fun and we will want to have fun with you too... Originally Posted by Hellion437
This. Dancing is really a sales job, and you really need to sell your product, but the customer shouldn't feel like he's being "sold to". First and foremost, always look happy and like you're having a good time and we're going to have a fun time together. If you're feeling down and having a bad day stay in the dressing room and don't go out on the floor until you can get it together. The SC experience is supposed to feel like a party atmosphere, so you always have to have an "up" attitude. A good attitude and conversation skills goes a long way. Of course, working some sexy conversation in helps, too.

Edit: One more thing. Learn to accept a "no" without feeling rejected. A typical dancer may get 10 or 20 "no's" for every guy that says "yes" to getting dances. Don't get discouraged, it's just the nature of the game.
Good advice!
Stripperweb... Best forum for exotic dancers. I have danced in a few different states over the last five years. As stated earlier it is a sales job. You are selling a fantasy know your clients and fulfill the fantasy. I took a course when I first started dancing. It was called strip and grow rich. Some of the best sales tatics and advice I have ever learned. If you ever want to exchange club info send me a PM.
