Friday 13th

Guest121917-1's Avatar
Does it really affect anyone? Good Luck, Bad luck, doesn't matter? Horny or not really?
Brandofan's Avatar
I like to think I am not superstitious but I tend to be hedge my bets and not do anything risky just in case!

I believe it stems from the Templar massacre in the 14th century and doesn't actually have any mystical or spiritual origin.
Not me today. I got in my car and found two lady bugs on my window
Hobby Jon's Avatar
Not me today. I got in my car and found two lady bugs on my window Originally Posted by Tara Evans
From what I hear that could have just been you in a red and black bra.
LustyBustyGina38FF's Avatar
Never does
Today has been awful! Building caught on fire. Wife has been hysterical over dumb stuff. Friend's husband being rushed to the hospital in an ambulance.
Just another lucky Friday for me :-). Thank you for another awesome visit Amillia Winter
Guest121917-1's Avatar
It is hit or miss for me. I didn't have a bad day but it wasn't great either. Last night definitely was one for the books when I attended the event I came into town for.

Now to pack everything up and watch everyone give me dirty looks for my million things of luggage haha
Say What's Avatar
Fun Friday! Even the 13th is a fun one.