Ads for Providers

At a loss for words?
Tired of trying to think of new ways to capture attention?
Spending too much time on ads?

I'm here to help. Veteran professional marketing pro
with proven results on Eccie. No $$$ compensation.
Send me a message and see what I can do for you.
Hey sweetie
I need some ideas on what to post
Its been ridiculously slow and I need help
I do this full time and need help
I think this is a great idea and woulf like details pleas. I know it could save me alot of time and headache
Ladies, please PM me if you are interested in my services.
I often forget to check this thread and don't want to leave
anyone hanging.

The longer you wait---the longer the phone doesn't ring!
Heidi007's Avatar
I'm interested I'm a newbie but learn fast
Im interested. Im in memphis and business slows and spikes whenever it appeases itself. But I would love to better my ads to keep calls rolling