NCNS Waste of time

Date: 1/31/17
Provider: Skylar
User ID::
Phone: -
Email Address: -
URL / Website:
City: Houston
State: Texas
Address: Woodlands
Appointment Type: Outcall
Did the Appointment take place at the agreed-upon time?: No
Activities: Nothing
Session Length: -
Fee: 200
Hair Color and Length: -
Age: -
Smoking Status: -
Ethnic Background: -
Physical Description: -
Recommendation: No
That's fucked up. I'm sure she had a good reason. Give her a chance. She's one of the top A1 providers from what I hear. I've been wanting to see her
jerky's Avatar
  • jerky
  • 02-02-2017, 08:50 PM
She did the same shit to me a couple of years ago. When I called her out on it and posted a negative review like you have she went flakey and said we never had a confirmed appointment. "We gonna meet and fuck at 1:00" is pretty damned confirmed in my world. I really didn't care, it just pissed me off when she didn't even take the time to send me a text message and left me sitting in a parking lot waiting for a reply. At the least I enjoyed her getting pissed off and sending me message after message.

Get ready....

Sorry this happened to you but you should have researched her more.....
  • pxmcc
  • 02-03-2017, 03:49 AM
did you write a nc/ns in coed too, or is that someone else?
DocHolyday's Avatar
Pardon me Crap but this is not a review. No activities + no money exchange =NO Review. This NCNS complaint belongs in Co-Ed.
Shoppers, remain calm. Can we get a Mod. to isle 2 for cleanup? We need a Mod. to isle 2 for cleanup please.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-03-2017, 04:15 AM
Pardon me Crap but this is not a review. No activities + no money exchange =NO Review. This NCNS complaint belongs in Co-Ed.
Shoppers, remain calm. Can we get a Mod. to isle 2 for cleanup? We need a Mod. to isle 2 for cleanup please. Originally Posted by DocHolyday
doc, u funny.
jstone420's Avatar
Dude this chick has a history of do this shit do your research
She did the same shit to me last year
citizen44's Avatar
Skylar is actually a really nice lady and a good fuck.

The problem is, she's picked up a few stalkers a long the way, as will happen when you've been a hooker for too long. Once that happens, they usually get out of the hobby, or they become paranoid as fuck and the TCB goes to shit. I actually think she has somewhat good TCB, but the number of hurdles you have to jump, and the way she goes radio silent at the slightest perceived red flag makes it an overall poor experience. I would have liked to see her again, but I just can't be asked to go to that much trouble when p411 gives immediate acceptance with hundreds of other options that are just as fun.
jerky's Avatar
  • jerky
  • 02-04-2017, 10:01 AM
Skylar is actually a really nice lady and a good fuck.

The problem is, she's picked up a few stalkers a long the way, as will happen when you've been a hooker for too long. Once that happens, they usually get out of the hobby, or they become paranoid as fuck and the TCB goes to shit. I actually think she has somewhat good TCB, but the number of hurdles you have to jump, and the way she goes radio silent at the slightest perceived red flag makes it an overall poor experience. I would have liked to see her again, but I just can't be asked to go to that much trouble when p411 gives immediate acceptance with hundreds of other options that are just as fun. Originally Posted by citizen44
Damn...That's a lot of stalkers! I counted 7 NSNC reports on her before I quit counting. She's a flake and her TCB is hit or miss.

It looks like since the WK in the other thread about this got free pussy for being a WK you are hoping it will work for you...good luck. We aren't stalkers, she's a flake.
citizen44's Avatar
Lol, Jerky, you seem to be reading comprehension challenged, so let me edit you an ebonics version

....nice lady....
....good fuck.....
....been a hooker too long.....
....paranoid as fuck....
....I just can't be asked to go to that much trouble...
....hundreds of other options....

Still think I'm a WK?

I can understand how a provider with stalker experiences can get to the point her TCB is like this, but that in no way means I condone or will put up with that shit personally.
Citizen you are funny as shit for that one. Look, for the life of me I don't understand how guys take so much shit off women because they have a nice ass. Like if it did go down as such all it took is a text or call saying I'm not comfortable or whatever, good luck in your hobby life and I hope you find someone. That to me goes miles. I never understand just not giving someone some sort of response. I wasn't there so I don't know what happened, just going by what I read here.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-04-2017, 03:07 PM
Skylar's ass is considered epic because it's on a white girl. If it was on a black girl, it would be considered average to above average. ijs.
CasanovaJJ's Avatar
Skylar's ass is considered epic because it's on a white girl. If it was on a black girl, it would be considered average to above average. ijs. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Fairly true statement.
jerky's Avatar
  • jerky
  • 02-04-2017, 04:02 PM
Skylar's ass is considered epic because it's on a white girl. If it was on a black girl, it would be considered average to above average. ijs. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Ummmm, she not white, she is Hispanic.

Ummmm, It's not epic, it's big.