The Copywriting Paradox

James1588's Avatar
A few weeks ago, I was talking on the phone with a professional companion for whom I was writing a series of ads. I shared with her something that I've noticed: the women who hire me for copywriting work tend to be superior writers themselves. The ladies whose copy is really bad -- comically-wrong words, ugly style, slovenly grammar, endless misspellings -- don't realize that their writing is poor, or they just consider their copy to be unimportant. "Yes," she said, "I'm a good writer. But it takes too long. I've spent so much time, staring at an empty computer screen, waiting for an idea to come."

Like you, she's busy. There are many claims on her time, from all directions. Her time is worth a lot of money.

That's why it's so smart of her to hire me. My time isn't worth a tenth of what hers is ... and besides, I write quickly. I can write copy that delights her, at rates that she finds almost ridiculously affordable.

What do your fellow sex workers who've done business with me say about my work? Here are two ladies' words, used with their permission but -- of course! -- without attribution:
"You are a fantastic writer and I have gotten wonderful responses already!!"

"Wow, I am speechless as that is exactly what I have been trying to capture, but not able to.
You are going to be my new copywriter as you are a gem."
Hire me for your writing needs, and the same absolute discretion applies to our arrangement. No one will ever hear from me that I wrote for you.

Affordable rates ... secure and private payment online by credit card without my ever seeing a single digit of your credit card number ... quick turnaround ... a personalized free sample ... an ironclad guarantee of your satisfaction (you don't pay a penny until you're happy with your copy) ... and writing by someone who loves his native language. What's not to like? Drop me a PM today, and let's talk!
chetmanly's Avatar
Lord knows there are a lot of people out there that could use your help
Carmelita DeLeón's Avatar
Agree ...

Lord knows there are a lot of people out there that could use your help Originally Posted by chetmanly