How to Bare-Back "Safely" (or minimize your risk)

Sistine Chapel's Avatar
First off I don't endorse Hobby BBFS but since there's a lot of recent enthusiastic discussion about it and since you're gonna do it anyway, I thought I'd move the conversation from don't do it to minimizing the risk.

Below are some things I've found online that may be helpful in any context and regardless of your sexual preference or orientation.

  • The lining of the ass is delicate and can be damaged easily so relax your ass and use lots of lube. Lube reduces friction, which reduces the number of micro-tears in your ass. Tears give an entryway to the blood stream. Also bare-backing after fisting or rough toy-play increases risk.
  • Don't cum in the pussy or ass. You significantly reduce risk if you pull out before cumming. Don't allow that fusion or chemical reaction of simultaneous 'cumming together' by both you. It's extremely risky.
  • Ass fucking is more riskier and dangerous than pussy fucking. If you're a gay guy you might choose to fuck rather than get fucked.
  • The longer and harder the fuck, the bigger the risk.
  • Don't use any toys that will significantly dilate blood vessels in your ass, increasing blood exposure while you fuck.
  • Don't douche right before or right after.
  • Don't sit back and admire your handy work after you're done. Get up and clean off immediately w / soap & water. You can come back later and lay with your lover and be amazed at the great sex you just had. Many people catch stuff when they sit there proud of what they've done allowing infection to set in from the dried up pimp juice.

Now these are only risk reduction measures should you choose to BB and are applicable in the RW as well.

Now happy risky bare-backing

You help keep yourself safe by protecting yourself with a happy hat end of story.. It's not 100% but it's a better percentage than using nothing at all..

If you don't endorse it then you wouldn't have made a thread as such..
pyramider's Avatar
First off I don't endorse Hobby BBFS but since there's a lot of recent enthusiastic discussion about it and since you're gonna do it anyway, I thought I'd move the conversation from don't do it to minimizing the risk.

Below are some things I've found online that may be helpful in any context and regardless of your sexual preference or orientation.

  • The lining of the ass is delicate and can be damaged easily so relax your ass and use lots of lube. Lube reduces friction, which reduces the number of micro-tears in your ass. Tears give an entryway to the blood stream. Also bare-backing after fisting or rough toy-play increases risk.
  • Don't cum in the pussy or ass. You significantly reduce risk if you pull out before cumming. Don't allow that fusion or chemical reaction of simultaneous 'cumming together' by both you. It's extremely risky.
  • Ass fucking is more riskier and dangerous than pussy fucking. If you're a gay guy you might choose to fuck rather than get fucked.
  • The longer and harder the fuck, the bigger the risk.
  • Don't use any toys that will significantly dilate blood vessels in your ass, increasing blood exposure while you fuck.
  • Don't douche right before or right after.
  • Don't sit back and admire your handy work after you're done. Get up and clean off immediately w / soap & water. You can come back later and lay with your lover and be amazed at the great sex you just had. Many people catch stuff when they sit there proud of what they've done allowing infection to set in from the dried up pimp juice.

Now these are only risk reduction measures should you choose to BB and are applicable in the RW as well.

Now happy risky bare-backing Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel

How much success have you had using the steps listed above?
^^^^^ probably practices all but the one about giving it in the ass vs getting it in the ass.

op says "bottom" like a flashing neon sign
TryWeakly's Avatar
^^^^^ probably practices all but the one about giving it in the ass vs getting it in the ass.

op says "bottom" like a flashing neon sign Originally Posted by GlobeSpotter
[ROFLMWAO] (with no end tag)

A neon PINK sign, for sure.
Slitlikr's Avatar
Those who heed his advice on guns and bbfs deserve the Darwin award.
you mofo's crack me up......................!!

Bill T. Cat's Avatar
How much success have you had using the steps listed above? Originally Posted by pyramider
I think his father could have used a few more condoms.
That was so informative and delicately put. Thanks Sistine! Lmao.
"Ass fucking is more riskier and dangerous than pussy fucking. If you're a gay guy you might choose to fuck rather than get fucked."
So you're telling us NubianPrince is the one in a riskier situation since he is the bottom bitch (usually to Island and sometimes to others). Hmmmm.....
chicagoboy's Avatar
I'd wager Sista Chappelle performs a mean stripper slide.
  • pxmcc
  • 02-26-2017, 08:52 AM
This thread aint working out too well for the Op, it would seem.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar

You help keep yourself safe by protecting yourself with a happy hat end of story.. It's not 100% but it's a better percentage than using nothing at all..

If you don't endorse it then you wouldn't have made a thread as such.. Originally Posted by Penelope Pearl
keep up sweetie. This is about those who despite the risk like to's mainly aimed at those who do it in the hobby but also applies to the RW. I bare backed in the RW from time to time so don't act like you never do under any context because it would be a lie I've talked about condom use and even gave you safety percentages. I have no issue with saying I do endorse bareback in certain RW situations. I'm not a lonely desperate old man seeking acceptance like 90% of the responders in this thread trying in vain to throw shade. Wallowing in their immaturity. ;-)

Remember he doth protest too much ;-) I'm sure there are a ton of people silently thanking me for this thread but too afraid to speak up for fear of being ostracized because of their hobby habits. My goal was to put it out there because these guys and gals aren't gonna stop hobbying in a risky fashion. Maybe it will help...or not
  • pxmcc
  • 02-26-2017, 10:14 AM
As to the question though: you don't. 100% safe bbfs with random hoes (or random tricks for the gals) is an oxymoron. If it's offered to you, u aint the only one, you can be sure of that.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
As to the question though: you don't. 100% safe bbfs with random hoes (or random tricks for the gals) is an oxymoron. If it's offered to you, u aint the only one, you can be sure of that. Originally Posted by pxmcc
Ummm...I never asked a question. I could've sworn I said risk reduction measures. It's even in the thread title. So where did you get this 100% from?