Well that sucked...sorry yall!

Sorry I disappeared on everyone, I was in the hospital, didn't get out until today. Blood pressure shot up last week, went to the ER to get it down and a day later, I ended up checking myself into the hospital because it wouldn't stay down. Turns out the new meds my doctor put me on were the same ones that caused problems before, just a different name.

He's paying this bill, one way or another.

My apologies to anyone that needed my help. I didn't take a laptop with me, even forgot my phone.
Smile Guy 69's Avatar
Sounds scary! Glad you're ok now! Appreciate all you do for the Mississippi forum.
Awww.. I hope you get better love.. Glad you are ok!!
HoundstoothBear's Avatar
Good to hear from you
Thanks everyone, most appreciated.

I hate being involved in something then ripped away from it, especially since it shouldn't have happened.
Super Head 713's Avatar
im glad that you are ok hun
  • Pmon
  • 03-20-2017, 05:26 AM
Glad you're back and doing better!
Guitar's Avatar
You really have to be cautious mixing Viagra with Blood Pressure Meds, RL. Glad u r OK, though. I hate horspital beds too.
I had a medical provider explain to me that everything is moving towards metrics in health care. IE- how many patients an hour/day can be seen will translate into the amount the medical provider will be reimbursed by Medicare, insurance, etc. Some BS like that.

Be careful out there, glad you are back among the living.
disizme2k16's Avatar
Glad to hear you are back at home.
So happy to hear that you're back among the living, RL! Hopefully you can get your meds straightened out.
Welcome back Road Lizard. Hope you are feeling better! What meds did they have you on? Did you have a history of high BP?
Thanks everyone!

I've always had borderline BP, used potassium lorsartin for years with no effects but the doctor thought it was time to put me on metoprolol...and it shot my BP straight up, almost to stroke levels back in the fall. Now, he asks me to try another beta-blocker, "lopressor" and it does the same thing. Turns out that's just another name for metoporlol. Idiot.
He thought maybe I just didn't like the drug and if I didn't know the other names of it that is wouldn't affect me(Placebo effect) like it did before. WRONG.
He and I talked on Monday and my lawyer has to file paperwork to get his malpractice insurance to pay the whole bill, but he's still fired.

Word to the wise: question every treatment and medication your doctor wants to 'try' on you. I know doctors save a lot of lives but damn, I'm beginning to take it personal how many times they've almost killed me!

To any doctors out there...just use a damn bullet, it's more direct and no one second guesses your intentions!
DallasRain's Avatar
tracerxxx's Avatar
Hey RL glad your ok I haven't been on in the past few days and I just seen your post....I know about the HBP so keep it down...and stay out of the horse pittle