Why, why, why

Randall Creed's Avatar
Is it just me, or do providers seemingly like to travel in bunches? Even if they're not traveling together necessarily, many times they seem to swarm a city all at once. What's up with this, ladies? I not saying you all are eyeing each other's schedules, but come on. Sometimes it looks like you are, especially when you arrive and leave on the exact same days.

This really puts us guys in a bind, having to make choices...or a choice.
Good question.. I know some that travel close as a safety net even though they aren't together.. The other thing is since the majority of the business revolves around government facilities and organizations it would make sense that federal pay periods and large organizations pay periods would play a role.
Just look at what some ladies have told me is the mecca for the ladies.. Bluffdale ,salt lake,denver not to mention every military base with lonely men away from home.. I remember having our sargents telling us to watch out for bible sales ladies outside bases..theres such a demand and easy money for the early bird that is there during pay periods. But then I am just guessing and going by what ive been told..
Lonely truck drivers,salesmen,and old men that are to old to attract anyone or in a sexless relationship that still want to feel adequate as men play second place to easy money..the.ladies will.tell you its pretty much just about the Benjamin's nothing personal but they are trying to make a living.
It makes sense why there's so much depravity in dc.
Really? I never travel with anyone...too much trouble. I am too independent. Actually, I do not know any other providers.
For one, I think many ladies try to budget their travels around when they can get better hotel rates. That, and/or (mostly or as I doubt these two coincide often) when there is a convention or event large enough to draw more potential clients to an area. In general, it's simply a business decision. We go when and where it is most likely profitable...
Sometimes there is an event concert etc.. 5hat they are going to and working between fun time
Yup.. in he end it is all about the Benjamin's .. it isn't anything personal but business is business they have to make bills like everyone else.. I actually have met with a few ladies that usually travel not together but at the same time.. visited with them and had a few drinks during their off time for themselves.. most of the ladies that I have met will tell you that I truly enjoy their company.. with or without the services.. for me it is the connection .. and I consider them friends, and yes I know that the friendship has privacy conditions and a separation..... kind of like my friend that is also my mechanic or my doctor.. when we part company they move in their direction and I in mine but when I see them I do enjoy my time visiting with them enjoying a cup of coffee or just visiting... the activities are wonderful but the human connection is the more important. they also know I appreciate them.. they allow me the dignity to still feel adequate..
DallasRain's Avatar
I go solo...I have certain routes I do and Ischedule dates bases on past experiences
ck1942's Avatar
Something like 30 or 40 traveling ladies are on my event advance alert list since they tour frequently into San Antonio and Austin (see my signature for April dates).

Many of them plan way ahead for the annual Hollow Weenie and the Mardi Graci-ass events. Otherwise only occasional drop ins every other month or two.

I know only several pairs of ladies (and one triple) who usually travel together; all the rest are solos.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Is it just me, or do providers seemingly like to travel in bunches? Originally Posted by Randall Creed
I thinck the proper collective noun is pods.
burkalini's Avatar
Ramblo I usually never agree with you but this time I do. Here in Omaha e have had the traveling gals come in bunches ( pods) or whatever the fuck you want to call them. It will be only the locals one day and the next we have 15 or 20 traveling ladies advertising. It's like a hooker invasion. Not that it's bad though. I do notice that they want to charge an average of a hundred more an hour than the locals though but they do have traveling expenses
Wakeup's Avatar
This really puts us guys in a bind, having to make choices...or a choice. Originally Posted by Randall Creed
So having to make a choice is putting you in a bind...makes sense...for a chick...
Randall Creed's Avatar
So having to make a choice is putting you in a bind...makes sense...for a chick... Originally Posted by Wakeup
Another choice I'm conflicted about is, do I cum in Valerie missionary or spoon.

Leaning towards spoon, fwiw.
I thing a lot of the "pods" are run by a pimp.
You have not mentioned they party together when not traveling. I will always think of a party and a a ride with four ladies in a limo.
joesmo888's Avatar
i'm sure they will travel to events around the country like the super bowl, etc.