Escorts and Prostitution: A Legal Loophole?

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This was an article I read some years ago regarding a legal loophole regarding escorts and prostitution. I remember the devious glee I felt inside as the article inspired a small rebellious anti establishment feeling in me. I mean after all who is the government to tell two consenting adults what's legal and what's not, while they are in private, and especially when it's a victimless crime such as a woman selling her body to an appreciative man. I mean in a sense that sort of sounds like marriage too, it's just that marriage is a much much longer session.

The original author made some rationalization that referred to abortion being legalized because of the "my body, my choice" theory, so why not prostitution? Isn't it the right of a woman to do what she wants with her body? Oh I see, you can kill and unborn fetus but you can't kill a man's temporary urge for sex? Come on government, where's your priorities?

Can Escorts really circumvent the law?

The law as it is today basically outlaws selling sex for money. But the original article suggested one could easily get around that if... let's say the escort sold condoms or contraceptives for a few hundred dollars, then after the transaction, the two engaged in consensual sex. Then she can tell the judge that what her customer bought were expensive condoms that came with a free demonstration, not sex.

Or try this novel approach. Since adult porn stars get paid for having sex in front of a camera, the next time you make an appointment with your favorite escort have a camera running so if vice busts in, you can tell them you are making an amateur porn to distribute to potential porn producers.

Then your consensual sex was with a model or actress and you just happen to be her costar. So I ask you, is there a law against producing and starring in your own amateur porn movie, and using a hotel as your set?

Of course this is a satirical look at law enforcement and the idiocy of our government's laws inspired by some religious morality. My thinking is if Bill Clinton was able get head from an intern in the Oval "Orifice" of the Whitehouse which at the time was Monica Lewinsky and not suffer any professional penalties other than some embarrassment for getting caught, one would think what goes on between consulting adults should remain private and none of anyone's business. But then again that's the real problem with America today , too many arrogant do-gooders who think they can dictate morality to others while not meeting those same moral standards themselves. But alas, respecting the privacy of others is a constitutional issue that apparently is everyone's right to violate, so long as it's not their privacy that's being violated.

So for loopholes in the law. I say Hip Hip Hooray!

Guitar's Avatar
Best one I've read and heard in awhile
I love the stuff that Wildcat posts...she puts threads up that make you think and entertain, good combination.
Ms. Wildcat:

Your post is exquisitely though out and executed... I must say my agreement with you is whole hearted, especially regarding the Victimless Crimes aspect. What are your thoughts regarding our privatized "Penal System", where Escorting is concerned???

wildcat4fun's Avatar
Ms. Wildcat:

Your post is exquisitely though out and executed... I must say my agreement with you is whole hearted, especially regarding the Victimless Crimes aspect. What are your thoughts regarding our privatized "Penal System", where Escorting is concerned???

Ninotsugi Originally Posted by Ninotsugi

Honestly our Penal(Penis) System is a straight out joke. State of Illinois has one of the toughest laws on prostitution in this country but the Governor there is changing the law to stop the state from sending ladies to prison. Louisiana makes you register as a sex offender under there state.

As for privatizing our Penal system it won't make much of a difference and if it does it will not change much for the better, more like make it worse. It is all about money and how they can figure out how many more ways they can keep lining there pockets.

The real hard truth is our nation has multiple religious views and the ones in power wanna shove there views or morals down on everyone else out there in this world. I say kiss my ass. This body belongs to me and solely mine,created by my mother & father from having sex. So until the government starts manufacturing human bodies i will do as i please with what belongs to me and the government does not on my ass, cause last time i looked slavery was outlawed by our government long ago.

The Declaration of Independence
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

Is this a victim-less crime between two consenting adults? YES

Is this a victim-less crime to be forced to do this or being underage?NOOOOO Way in hell, Go get them Bastards off the streets and help them victims that really need it. Instead of the government trying to be in consenting adults affairs.
Ms Wildcat, you have just given me a Freedom Boner!
wildcat4fun's Avatar
In that case i have did my one good deed for the day and i have never seen a Freedom Boner before. Thanks RoadLizard got put that on my bucket list,
I love you glowworm. Have a bottle of Jack ready for us when I get there, we got some catching up to do.
Guitar's Avatar
That Wildcat thinks like a man. U tell 'em, Ms. Wildcat
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Hell with the Jack. We gonna drink Patron to the clothes come off and yes we have alot of catching up its been awhile.
You sure make some great post Wildcat . Makes for some good reading for sure . Keep em coming
Woman, I am not trying to die lol. No way to patron. I am a pussy. Jack, vodka or wine
wildcat4fun's Avatar
That Wildcat thinks like a man. U tell 'em, Ms. Wildcat Originally Posted by Guitar
To be in this hobby to really enjoy what your doing. Us ladies really have to get in the minds of the way men think.Which really is not to hard since men think with there small head when it comes to sex.

So over the pass few years i have read up on men as to what men fantasies are and what they are kinda wanting to try and experience out there, that men are missing out on in there sex life.

So in reality a lady needs to think like a man to please him really.
wildcat4fun's Avatar
Woman, I am not trying to die lol. No way to patron. I am a pussy. Jack, vodka or wine Originally Posted by SeasonedMuse
Been told alot over there years you are what you eat, yes you are a pussy cause you have eaten alot of pussy in your lifetime.but you stick with your drinks that you are comfortable with but this bitch is drinking Patron.
Lol, if we drink you're not allowed to drunk text me telling me you want me to eat your pussy!
I'll reach out to you on our lifelink