Morals & Law's on the Hobby World of Today's Society

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Morals & Law's on the Hobby World of Today's Society

Use some Common Sense & Leave your Morals out of People's private life style and enforce the laws that really matters in protecting the people in the world.

I and the rest of the people out here in the world are suppose to believe that paying for sex is a crime and contributes to more crime out there and leads to drugs, robberies,murder,and brings down the city or neighborhoods in the areas and etc. etc.

Right now in our society

1. your have people shooting up schools and killing kids.
no prostitute was involved in it. have drugs in the schools.Kids using drugs as young as 8 yrs. old.
no prostitute was involved in it. have teachers, preachers, police, government officials etc. etc. having sex and giving underage kids drugs.
no prostitute was involved in it or it was never
mentioned but if one was involved you would make
it public for sure. have murders happening every day in the world.
no prostitute was involved in it and if there is
and it was uncalled for lock those bitches
up.They are the ones that give the good ones a
bad rap. have people out there raping and beating women as men as
no prostitute was involved in it and if there is
and it was uncalled for lock those bitches
up.They are the ones that give the good ones a
bad rap. have government officials breaking more laws than us are
out there in the world today. have men and women out there beating and selling people for sex, slave labor and to do whatever they please with a human life in this world.
no prostitute was involved in it and if there is
and it was uncalled for lock those bitches
up.They are the ones that give the good ones a
bad rap.
8.The list can go on and on. These crimes have been happening since the beginning of time. The difference now is that back then people did not believe it or turned a blind eye to it because tjey knew the person that was doing and was close to them or getting paid to keep quite about it and profit from it.Now it is harder cause the victims are speaking out about it and the media loves to report on this to make big headlines.For profit.

Here is the point of this.We are told that having sex for exchange of money is a crime between two consenting adults.Well its a crime if you give cash that is.

This is no Bullshit. I was told by several high up people(judges,Lawyers,Prosecut or & a few LE) "yes i said it, now take that expression off you face now) In this industry you will meet all kinds of people and there professions.It was said have a bottle of wine or even a cheap $5 item in my possession and that is what i was selling to the gentlemen when we meet and yes more than likely there gonna still arrest you but it will be dismissed once you go to court. Cause no law was broken but always remember the number 1 rule no discussion on phone,text or e-mails about sex for money. If you do your getting Fucked and yes your gonna pay for it and get no enjoyment at.

Here is whats so dumb about that law. You can not give cash, but you can buy and do this list of things and no law is being broken:
List of items
1.Buy a can get laid
2.Buy a can get laid
3.Buy can get laid
4.Buy can get laid
5.Pay the person can get laid
6.Buy furniture,dinner,movies or whatever that person may want you can buy it and give it to the person and yes YOU CAN GET ALL THE PUSSY YOU WANT and your not breaking any laws.Unless you hand over CASH and mentioning SEX for CASH.Basically because do things list above they are able to TAX that and get there cut of the money.

Here is where they do not use common sense at all. No matter how you exchange or buy things. The ones in this profession still spends the money at the stores and pay bills and everything else that everyone else does on a daily basses.Except some do not report and pay taxes to the government but that will only hurt those people in the future when they reach the age to draw social security and will not be able to cause they did not pay into it.

The laws passed are made by the majority over the minority.Simply put the religious ass wipes wanna push there morals down our throats and live by there standers of what life is. Sounds like a dictatorship or brainwashing cult to me.

How a person chooses to do with there life & body of there own free will is there GOD given right.That is the purpose of God given you free will to make your own choices. If this offends your morals good. STAY OUT OF MY LIFE....

For you religious people out there you need to read your BIBLE again or get the right BIBLE and read it.

IN THE GOOD BOOK THE BIBLE SAYS IT MANY TIMES OVER AND OVER.GOD GAVE YOU THE FREE WILL FOR THE PURPOSE OF MAKING YOUR OWN LIFE CHOICES AND LIVE YOUR LIFE AS YOU FEEL FIT.YES it will be me answering to him when the time comes not YOU...If God did not want us to have free will then he could have pushed whatever he wanted on us with out any say.