No Mod For Nebraska

I'm heading to Omaha for a business trip soon and was checking out the local action and noticed that there's no mod on this forum. Is it the wild west up there or what?
burkalini's Avatar
I'm heading to Omaha for a business trip soon and was checking out the local action and noticed that there's no mod on this forum. Is it the wild west up there or what? Originally Posted by DickPeters
Unless I'm mistaken John Bull is the moderator
Unless I'm mistaken John Bull is the moderator Originally Posted by burkalini
I was informed that John no longer moderates, in any capacity - although he still has 'Super Moderator' under his name . . . Currently, there is no moderator assigned to Nebraska, but, I have received private communications from several moderators / administrators that do look in on this forum very frequently - a few recently thanked me for a detailed post I made here in Coed.

As for this area of ECCIE (or Nebraska) being the "wild west" - IME the membership here and the gentlemen there are just that - gentlemen, and a cut above when it comes to manners and discretion. This area could probably continue without a formal moderator for some time based on the courtesy that the locals show each other . . .


- Jackie
sooo Jackie i am having a tough time interpreting your comments. If I am reading this correctly you are the Moderator for the Nebraska page not John Bull? Therefore, Jackie will you be granting the permission of premium account awardership? Did not think providers could read the ROS part of the reviews?

Please let us know, if so please take the captains chair, and full steam ahead.

You misread darlin'. Read it again.

JB is no longer the Nebraska MOD (I will miss him), but other MOD's have taken the duties of looking in on our little area to make sure things are good.

She's also saying that you guys have been gentlemen and probably need no MOD for our area because we're well behaved.
Thank you for clarifying that for us dumb gentlemen. Remember we have a tough time thinking with our brains. Also thank you for the great comments Jackie on how well behaved we have been and will continue to be.

She was lying....all lies.....I swear. I told her about how you guys REALLY are.
Yeah, what Elena said . . except for the part about me lying. But, she did tell me how you guys REALLY 'are'! LOL! Its okay Merz, I figured you just saw my picture and all the blood rushed from your brain to . . . well, you know the rest.


- Jackie
I think it's true what Jackie said.......

I do visit and have even posted at times on the KC boards and will soon on the Denver board. But it can get a little testy, or is teste more appropriate, on the
KC board.

Unrelated.....I've never had a problem with a woman putting me in my place.......hehe
John Bull's Avatar
Actually, though I've asked to be removed from my forum responsibilities to relieve me of daily duties I can no longer fulfill, I still do most of the review approvals and review assignments here in Nebraska. I thank the other mods who occasionally look in and make sure you hooligans behave yourselves. LOL I'm just not around every day like I used to be. That's not to say that another mod couldn't be assigned Nebraska sometime in the future.
For the time being, I assume that MsElena is running the show. Any objections maggots??? LMFAO

Yep, I have it under control just fine.
johnnybax's Avatar
I am subsribed to a few forums here in Nebraska. While I look at subsrcibed forums everyday I do not spend much time here in this one. If any of you are interested in helping out you can always submit an application at: