What? You Mean Providers Actually Have Relationships Outside The Hobby??

Vannah's Avatar
I've seen several posts about providers with pimps and "so called S/Os" and I was just curious if everyone assumes that providers only date pimps or abusive piece of shit guys that expect something from them? Or do you realize that regardless of the fact that the lady escorts for a living, she can find a good, caring, hardworking man that spoils her like the princess she is, while still allowing her to maintain her financial independence?

Because all escort stereotypes are definitely true!
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Shit..I was wondering the same damn thing but hated to be the one to point it out

To really fuck em up..I been married for 20yrs..together 22..he works 60+hrs a week..and in the 15yrs I have been in the adult biz he has never once been on the boards..had a screenname..or for that matter cares what goes on here..

It does make you wonder what people think and why they assume everyone is consumed both professionally and personally with this board and life..its just a J.O.B..I dont do it for financial independence...he makes a good living..but my reasons to do it arent the point

Point is..i was curious as well about the frequent post mentioning it
I was just curious if everyone assumes that providers only date pimps or abusive piece of shit guys Originally Posted by Vannah

Not EVERYONE assumes that, but a lot of people do. And to be honest, they're probably right about a whole lot of providers. But obviously not all.
Vannah's Avatar
Shit..I was wondering the same damn thing but hated to be the one to point it out

To really fuck em up..I been married for 20yrs..together 22..he works 60+hrs a week..and in the 15yrs I have been in the adult biz he has never once been on the boards..had a screenname..or for that matter cares what goes on here..

It does make you wonder what people think and why they assume everyone is consumed both professionally and personally with this board and life..its just a J.O.B..I dont do it for financial independence...he makes a good living..but my reasons to do it arent the point

Point is..i was curious as well about the frequent post mentioning it Originally Posted by BBWDeAnna
I think that is absolutely fantastic to have a marriage like that. I feel like it takes a confident man and a lot of trust to be able to enter into a relationship with a provider.

Not EVERYONE assumes that, but a lot of people do. And to be honest, they're probably right about a whole lot of providers. But obviously not all. Originally Posted by RJinLR
I can see both sides, for sure. I just think it's good to be mindful of stereotypes in the hobby and look at providers on an individual level.
I would assume after having to put up with us the majority of y'all would be lesbians by now
I've been noticing those posts as well, Vannah... and it's disturbing to me that anyone would make an assumption like that about someone who they don't even know, based off of preconceived notions, stereotypes or rumors.

I personally know this stereotype not to hold true for everyone, because I'm very good friends with Danielle, and she has a SO. I know him personally, as well. He's definitely not a pimp.

I don't know you personally Vannah, but based off of your board persona, you're a very classy, articulate, intelligent and independent young lady... Those are definitely not traits that managed girls typically possess.
I would assume after having to put up with us the majority of y'all would be lesbians by now Originally Posted by BobSmoot
And THATS why I do doubles 😂😂

I make it known I'm married. I'd rather a guy know and decide he wants to assume I'm "pimped" and not see me, than to find out later and feel I was trying to hide it from him and bash my name and rep.

My husband knows what I do, but that doesn't make him my pimp.

I've had clients who have hung out with me and my husband.

It just comes down to what was said above. It's a J O B.

I'd never expose a client to anyone, including my husband, but it is super cool when some of them want to meet him and they actually hit it off!
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
Many years ago there was a provider who's husband you had to meet etc before the date began and then he left..went by Homer or something..hell they could still be around and just different names now.. it was wild at the time but it worked and the guys she saw didnt seem to mind the setup. Bottom line not every provider is dysfunctional...not every provider with a man is managed...

When people realize its just a job that happens to involve a personal not intimate..but personal interaction life is smooth

Sex does not equal love..and love does not equal sex..the ladies can very much have a successful fulfilling relationship outside of this world.

I will admit the only time it becomes a problem is when the S.O has a screenname here

Bigger problem is when that same SO with a handle then reviews his girl multiple times (which is the case in atleast once instance on the boards)and perhaps that is the root of the constant posting..otherwise im not sure what the deal is with a provider god forbid being normal..with a normal life outside of selling pussy..not everyone is as consumed ans ate up with this world as others

And THATS why I do doubles ����

I make it known I'm married. I'd rather a guy know and decide he wants to assume I'm "pimped" and not see me, than to find out later and feel I was trying to hide it from him and bash my name and rep.

My husband knows what I do, but that doesn't make him my pimp.

I've had clients who have hung out with me and my husband.

It just comes down to what was said above. It's a J O B.

I'd never expose a client to anyone, including my husband, but it is super cool when some of them want to meet him and they actually hit it off! Originally Posted by tsar
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I've seen several posts about providers with pimps and "so called S/Os" and I was just curious if everyone assumes that providers only date pimps or abusive piece of shit guys that expect something from them? Or do you realize that regardless of the fact that the lady escorts for a living, she can find a good, caring, hardworking man that spoils her like the princess she is, while still allowing her to maintain her financial independence?

Because all escort stereotypes are definitely true! Originally Posted by Vannah
I'm in a relationship with a biker. Yeah, someone people want to call him a pimp but let's get some things straight:

1. when was the last time anyone has seen a white pimp?
2. He's retired military living off of combat pay and disability, he doesn't need my money
3. my mouth is too smart to have a pimp. That fool would be working for ME

People like to place stereotypes on things they can't understand. Men are locked into failing marriages and want to look down on happy couples. Even some of the bikers don't get how I can shoot porn and still be with my fiance. We're happy, it works for us. He knew what I did when we met.

People want to find something wrong with everything because they have nothing better to do
I'm in a relationship with a biker. Yeah, someone people want to call him a pimp but let's get some things straight:

1. when was the last time anyone has seen a white pimp?
do Originally Posted by Danielle Reid

That seems a little stereotypical... by most accounts the most successful pimps in history have been white.

Who do you think owns the brothels In Nevada
And THATS why I do doubles 😂😂

I make it known I'm married. I'd rather a guy know and decide he wants to assume I'm "pimped" and not see me, than to find out later and feel I was trying to hide it from him and bash my name and rep.

My husband knows what I do, but that doesn't make him my pimp.

I've had clients who have hung out with me and my husband.

It just comes down to what was said above. It's a J O B.

I'd never expose a client to anyone, including my husband, but it is super cool when some of them want to meet him and they actually hit it off! Originally Posted by tsar

Your husband has a cool
Wife so I'm sure he's a cool guy 😜
BBWDeAnna's Avatar
I think that is absolutely fantastic to have a marriage like that. I feel like it takes a confident man and a lot of trust to be able to enter into a relationship with a provider.
. Originally Posted by Vannah

Haha..it being absolutely fantastic..many would disagree with..but here is the kicker..we dont have some weird abnormal existence..we lead very normal..average..boring..work and come home lives..we spend our free time traveling as a family..we shovel shit out of pig pens..we collect eggs every morning..milk goats..feed animals..tend to the huge freakin garden..every few months we haul pigs to the butcher to fill our freezers..

We dont party..we dont go out drinking..we dont stay in and drink.no strip clubs etc..by the time our daily chores are done..he has worked his 12hrs..we eat dinner..play with kids and go to bed.

Anything I do adult entertainment related is purely a J.O.B...its simply how I choose to contribute to the funds..whether its a cruise.college. .retirement etc...I have watched my husband wake up every day by 5am (usually 4am)..leave for work..return home..tend to the outside needs..get in bed by 10:30 and repeat for the last 20yrs..do we have our fun knowing I fuck other men..of course it adds to it when the time is appropriate...but you may be right..it is fantastic. .for us..we arent normal..for sure. .but we arent abnormal either at the end of the day we get to have our fun and enjoy sex the way we want without fear of upsetting each other..
I can see both sides, for sure. I just think it's good to be mindful of stereotypes in the hobby and look at providers on an individual level. Originally Posted by Vannah
Yes, always this. Pimps unquestionably exist of course but i certainly don't believe every provider in a relationship has a pimp.
I think a valid tangential question is why clients care so much if the end result to them is the same, especially if the pimp stays out of the way and doesn't make his presence felt.

I have the same dislike for pimps that a lot of clients do. When I think of the reasons why, it's primarily because I don't like the idea that what she's doing may not be completely of her own choosing and don't want to fund it if that's the case. Also, I'd just prefer that all the money go to the provider, to support herself and her family rather than some guy managing her.

There is also the oft-expressed fear that the pimp is always lurking in the shadows ready to rob the unwary hobbyist. I've never personally experienced that or suspected it was a possibility so can't comment on that one. There are enough alerts about it around the board that I'm sure happens.
I've got enough dick to last me. I have no desire to have a BF. Now a GF on the other hand... 😈😈