Best Provider Ads in Austin, Texas?

I nominate Alana Seduction - for her "Blowjob on Wheels"
it makes me smile and giggle every time I see her ad. The second one would be Miss Valentina because - well, she's just a saucy wench!

What's yours?

Disclaimer - I have not met these ladies in person - just thought this would be fun!
I haven't had the pleasure of her company yet, but I have always enjoyed Asian Ann's posts. Funny, smart and confident.
Miss V's, hands down. Runner up is Asian Ann.
Miss Valentina! They are attention getters!
Miss V's for the humor and wit.

Eryn's for the candor, which is often very funny, and pics.

Kendal Clarkson's for the pics.
Those lovely ladies all have great ads!!! We should give some kind of reward - like "Provider Ad of the Week goes to________!!!! " I know, I know - I'm an over enthusiastic person.
Those lovely ladies all have great ads!!! We should give some kind of reward - like "Provider Ad of the Week goes to________!!!! " I know, I know - I'm an over enthusiastic person. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
AE - I have enjoyed your over-enthusiasm more than once! It's under-rated!
Thank you sugar! xoxo

AE - I have enjoyed your over-enthusiasm more than once! It's under-rated! Originally Posted by xlookerus
  • LOJ
  • 06-05-2017, 07:06 PM
I like Alana Kay's ADs. Lots of current pics.
justaphase's Avatar
Definitely Eryn's. They crack me up every time.

Plus she has a rockin hot body!
I like Alana Kay's ADs. Lots of current pics. Originally Posted by LOJ
Good point. Along these lines I also nominate Charliee and Cloey Banks.
+1 for Valentina, Eryn and Alana; add Claire. Humor and wit always tingles the purple lollipop.
Good point. Along these lines I also nominate Charliee and Cloey Banks. Originally Posted by Frissionary
Lmao!!!! Cloey steals my ads constantly( after repeatedly asking her to stop).. so thanks for the shout out LMAO
"Put your mouth on these, please".. me
"I need you to bend me over and pull these off"
The "free anal" ad.. me
RICKDOG8's Avatar
Seductive Selina, Alana Kay, Kendal Clarkson and Cloey Banks for all the CURRENT hot pics and info they provide. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.
Seductive Selina, Alana Kay, Kendal Clarkson and Cloey Banks for all the CURRENT hot pics and info they provide. I'm sure I'm forgetting someone. Originally Posted by RICKDOG8
Awe thank you sweetie, have you looked recently?
