Just curious...

justdat_k's Avatar
Quick question for the ladies and gents of the hobby community. When is one considered a regular??
Probably a common sense question for the veterans of the hobby community but I've never seen a thread addressing this. Is it once? Twice? 3x's a week? Or is the criteria different with each provider.
You will get lots of answers on this one.

For me personally, I have what I consider about 3-5 regulars. One of those I try to see every two months when she comes from Houston. Two others I see once per month when they come from Dallas. There are a few other that I try to see monthly. It will really be awkward when they come to Tyler during the same week. When that happens, I have to go with whichever one contacted me first for that week.

I had one back in late 2015 that I wanted to see weekly before she moved away. I would still be seeing her now and be broke and robbing banks to be able to afford the habit of her!!

I have no idea if those ladies truly consider me a regular or not. I sure hope they do. My gut tells me they do because they PM/Text me from time to time just to say hello and the out of town message me to give me first dibs on scheduling.

Short answer ... Each regular arrangement will have a life and pattern of its own.
justdat_k's Avatar
Ahhh...I see. Lots of providers say they take good care of their "Regulars", guess their is no textbook definition of it in the hobby. Thanks for the info ETG.
You will find that 100% of them say they take care of their regulars. Then you will experience that with most of them that simply means they will see you again.

You will find a select few who truly knows what that means. That select few might allow you extra time off the clock. Some might ask you to stay extra occasionally. Some might give you a discount that they seldom give to others. But those types of things aren't normal and shouldn't be expected. They must offer it based on something they feel with you ... based on some type of chemistry they feel. If you get lucky enough to have one give you more time or a discounted rate, it is in your best interest to NEVER mention it to anyone or put it in a review. That is one sure way to lose a good thing.

Also, if they offer something like I have mentioned, it doesn't mean you are the bomb diggity and the best they have ever had. For some, it might mean they would simply be with you than some unknown walking in the door. You are simply safer than screening another guy.
MajicPlayground's Avatar
Being sweet goes a loooong way

I consider a gent a Regular if he sees me maybe 8-10 times a year, or in many cases, as often as I travel to their particular city. Being with someone I choose to see often, the relationship itself grows and develops the little extras...having your favorite drink, paying special attention when you're unusually stressed, reaching out to you before posting an ad for an upcoming visit, being more accommodating of your schedule and preferences. To me it also means I'm more willing to maybe buy some fun lingerie or toy just becuz u mentioned you'd like it. And yes, I occasionally go off the clock a lil bit....but that is generally reserved for those I have exceptional chemistry with

All that being said, I would consider more than 75% of my play is with Regulars and that's just fine with me :-)

One pitfall with those Regular visits is to become complacent. I try to always be 100% ready and convey an attitude that You are worth the time it takes to Pretty Up and set the atmosphere, prepare the room...even tho by now you've likely seen me in all stages of disarray lol. Always try to remember that making a person feel Valued is generally the most important thing, from either side of the bed
