A provider broke my heart and my wallet!

darkmoonmaster's Avatar
I've being spending a ton of money on her for the last 4 months over $8K, i dont know how but I end catching feelings for her. Shes a fucking mess ( alcoholic (edit by staff). I found out the other month she was dating an older guy because his money.
She wanted to date me months ago but I refused her offer several time. Now I still dont want to date her but neither I want to let her go.

She still texting me sometimes to go see her at the club but I told her she is useless for me as long shes dating someone and pussy is out of the menu.

I want revenge on her because I feel like she used me all this time. i want to post her naked vids/pics on facebook and even break her car's windshield. I've have not done none of this but I'm really hurting and i think making her pay me in some way will make me get over her.

what should I? revenge?
Mr. Rogers's Avatar
Get far, far away from the hobby and go seek counseling. I'm being dead serious. This game isn't for you.
Brandofan's Avatar
“Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves.” - Confucius

Seriously, you are giving her power over you even now by letting her upset you. If you take any action vengeful action it won't end well for you, but stories like hers never end well for her so live a good and successful life of your own and be content with that.
johnspice's Avatar
I hope you only lost $8K and nothing other than money. Now, Thank your lucky stars and don't lose your mind.

Life is about living your own life and not about getting even with somebody else. Try to really understand that. And from a practical point of view, chances are if you seek revenge and even if you are successful at it you WILL end up paying a very steep price. Nothing in this world is free, not even revenge!
You need to move away from here and never hobby again....your gonna end up a worse mess than the lady....and trust me, she will go her own way whether you are around or not...
Sorry dude, truth hurts
Jason Bourne's Avatar
OP get some help!!! Some good advice on here!! Go get help and leave it alone. Walk away.
  • grean
  • 06-14-2017, 12:15 PM
You had 8k to lose on hooker. Life can't be that bad for you.


Don't do anything that will land you in jail or hurt yourself or anyone else.

Realize intellectually that you're better off without that kind of baggage. Heart & dick will follow.

Spread that cash out on multiple women!

Be the next Daaamaaaan, or hell, be the next Abe!
pyramider's Avatar
Don't listen to the naysayers ... follow your heart.
I can hardly believe this is a real post. Go play some golf, or go sky diving. Get away from it. The healing process can begin right now. If you do anything with regard to this provider, you are only delaying the healing process and increasing the likelihood the process will be even more difficult.

It's like delaying an absolutely required surgery. It only delays your return to health and the sugery becomes more difficult.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Looks like somebody has claimed another victim........
+1 on posts #2, 4 and 5.
Look at the bright side...at least you didn't get syphilis from her!
darkmoonmaster's Avatar
+1 on posts #2, 4 and 5.
Look at the bright side...at least you didn't get syphilis from her!
(Right?) Originally Posted by Prolongus
Yeah your're right i did not caught anything, I always practice safe hobby.

I've still got this bitch as a friend in Facebook.

I'll be honest that the thing that hurts me the most is that she still wanted be friends and she seems not do give a shit.

Our last session she lied to me and milked me $$$$$: she said she will be meet outside the club and she needed help from me so she could pay rent. I helped her and met her outside the club but i met her at her friends with two other guys there. And one of these guys was the guy she was dating. I had an argument with her that night and I called her several names including the whore word, and I even treated her for using me. i chilled out and I apologized to her and she still wanted be friends she said.

I feel used and I kinda still want to do some revenge on her. But i'm thinking back and forward about doing it or not doing it. I'm a nice guy but this bitch took advantage of me.

God i really need a break from this hobby.
mrredcat43's Avatar
Why did u friend her on fb? Want her to know everything about you?
corona's Avatar
dude. guest your account and quit the internet. you've failed.

you're too emotionally unstable to pay for play.
darkmoonmaster's Avatar
Either I need to fuck more girls to get over it or take a long break from this hobby.