Conservative Case for Universal Healthcare

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Makes sense to me.

How about you, dildo?
Pure utter drivel. KNOWING several canadians and having many friends still in the UK< they HATE the socialized medical systems there.. Mostly cause of the damn waits, but also cause they have to pay 40+ (in the uk) or 50+ (in canada) of their pay checks in taxes to PAY FOR IT all...
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2017, 07:52 AM
Pure utter drivel. KNOWING several canadians and having many friends still in the UK< they HATE the socialized medical systems there.. Mostly cause of the damn waits, but also cause they have to pay 40+ (in the uk) or 50+ (in canada) of their pay checks in taxes to PAY FOR IT all... Originally Posted by garhkal

Can you not read?

The simple math will force us to do wtf all the rest of the civilized western world does concerning healthcare.

Wtf do you think Medicare is? Private insurance?

Should we privatize the military?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Pure utter drivel. KNOWING several canadians and having many friends still in the UK< they HATE the socialized medical systems there.. Mostly cause of the damn waits, but also cause they have to pay 40+ (in the uk) or 50+ (in canada) of their pay checks in taxes to PAY FOR IT all... Originally Posted by garhkal

Show me where Canadians pay 50+% of their pay checks for health care.

Or admit you pulled that shit right out of your ass.

Seems like worthwhile exercise in responsibility. Let's make it part of Twitler Failure Friday!

Hurry up man.

TIck tock.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 07-28-2017, 08:33 AM

Show me where Canadians pay 50+% of their pay checks for health care.

Or admit you pulled that shit right out of your ass.

Seems like worthwhile exercise in responsibility. Let's make it part of Twitler Failure Friday!

Hurry up man.

TIck tock. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Maybe he can read these facts instead of his antidotal evidence
bambino's Avatar

Maybe he can read these facts instead of his antidotal evidence Originally Posted by WTF
The only way to control costs is to control access.

Be my guest, move to Canada. Or better yet, move to Great Britain:
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  • WTF
  • 07-28-2017, 01:25 PM
The only way to control costs is to control access.

Be my guest, move to Canada. Or better yet, move to Great Britain: Originally Posted by bambino
Hiw about you study France or Germany's model.

Do you not understand we pay more and get less that other countries? We are in a global market....our companies are being hamstrung by high healthcare costs.

God Damn you're a dumbass.
bambino's Avatar
Hiw about you study France or Germany's model.

Do you not understand we pay more and get less that other countries? We are in a global market....our companies are being hamstrung by high healthcare costs.

God Damn you're a dumbass. Originally Posted by WTF
Our companies are being hamstrung by the highest corporate tax rate among industrial countrys you imbecile!!!!!! And please, don't pass yourself off as an expert on Frances HC system you assclown.

Show me where Canadians pay 50+% of their pay checks for health care.

Or admit you pulled that shit right out of your ass.

Seems like worthwhile exercise in responsibility. Let's make it part of Twitler Failure Friday!

Hurry up man.

TIck tock. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Check about 15min 47 sec to see the chart he uses... AND Crowder is a canadian!
bambino's Avatar

Check about 15min 47 sec to see the chart he uses... AND Crowder is a canadian! Originally Posted by garhkal
Asswipe and SnitchFuck are the dumbest motherfuckerrs in the forum. And the biggest liars. The Canadian and U.K. Systems are going broke. Plus rationing. Does France have a great system? It's a combination of private insurance and government insurance. And the taxes are high. And the Government sets the prices for HC providers. It's a socialistic society. Wouldn't work here.
Colleagues in GB say they have private insurance also. They like their system if they break a leg. If they get cancer, no.
Yssup Rider's Avatar



Check about 15min 47 sec to see the chart he uses... AND Crowder is a canadian!

STRIKE THREE! Originally Posted by garhkal

None of those links supported your ridiculous claim, though the third one could have been recorded by a guy with a tinfoil hat on.

What I wonder is how do you read that stuff and come to the conclusion you did.
bambino's Avatar
None of those links supported your ridiculous claim, though the third one could have been recorded by a guy with a tinfoil hat on.

What I wonder is how do you read that stuff and come to the conclusion you did. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Maybe you should read this:
dilbert firestorm's Avatar

Denmark prolly has the better healthcare systems. its funded by sales taxes.
It has a small population and their citizens seem satisfied with it.

I couldn't find the article about Denmark's health care system that came out around 5 or 6 years ago.