Hour vs 1/2 Hour Appointments; Which Do You Prefer & Why?

Hey all, just curious to see what types of appointments you typically dream of. Obviously HH dreams are less $$ than a full H dream, and to a certain degree that has to be a factor. I've dreamt of both HH and H appointments. Sometimes I've set out on initially wanting an H appointment, but sometimes after round one, I'm spent and ready to go take a nao. Not always, but it's happened before and I've felt like I've wasted my $$. With the HH appointment, there's usually some small talk and then we normally get down to business (which is why we're dreaming of these appointments in the first place, right?).

For some guys with a SO, like me, a HH appointment seems fine because it's less $$, lets me "get it (the hobby) out of my system for a while, and is a little easier to schedule. I can normally fit a HH hobby session in durijgnmy lunch break from the office. On the flip side, H appointments let you have a little more time to relax and chat if you like. You can also pace yourself a bit more if you know you have a full H or you can go for MSOG if that's your thing.

So what are your thoughts on H vs HH appointments? I'm curious to see what your guys like and why.
Whatever makes clients happy it's their dime on time.Different strokes for different folks. Professionals want clients to make longer appointments that's more money for professionals.No freebie sessions.
Audrey Astor's Avatar
This thread may answer your questions: https://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=2147943

As I stated, I prefer an hour or longer. It's preferable for me to have a drink, some convo, and sensuality. Non-stop physical activity from the arrival time to departure time is not for me. It has nothing to do with $$$. I don't like to be rushed. Real life is rushed, and this is supposed to be fun. As I stated, I make more doing 2 1/2 hour appointments than 1 1 hour appointment. I prefer to keep volume low for me as well as my incall. Anyone coming in with a mental list of activities that they are expecting is not very becoming to me. I am a person, and I like to enjoy the time as well, as it makes it more fun for my guests as well.

This being said, there are clients that I have seen for a long time, that only have a half hour to spare, and can complete our meeting during that time, as well as have some convo. They are great clients! The ones that tend to really not work out, are the guys that schedule a half hour due to budget constraints, but then try to go beyond their scheduled time. If you schedule a half hour with me, I schedule the rest of my life around that. I may have a lunch date, Dr appointment etc, so going over is just rude and inconsiderate. I assume that if you schedule a half hour, you are a busy guy, and I will respect your time by making sure that you are on your way at the end of a half hour. :-)

Good luck finding your niche. :-)
joesmo888's Avatar
an hour seems not rushed more than 30 minutes
Guest072118's Avatar
Ive grown to love my 30 minute. I didn't offer them once upon a time ago. I see 5-7 a week so a mix of H/HH works for me, Im busy with other work/life just like my clients. This job is a part time gig for me.

Also the 30 minute allows some see me that cant afford the hour. Some just dont need an hour or have the time.
Sir Axl's Avatar
For the most part I enjoyed the hour appointments way more. Gives you a few minutes to calm down, relax, converse, get to know each other a little bit.

But half hour appointments are good for providers you were iffy about meeting. Several I'm so glad I only scheduled hh cause I quickly discovered they weren't my thing. Many times, if I like them, I would visit them later for a longer appointment.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 09-02-2017, 12:59 PM
My preference is 2-3 hours, usually dinner and time to play afterwards. Different preferences for different guys, but I prefer to save up for fewer longer sessions. They allow a better total experience.
My preference is 2-3 hours, usually dinner and time to play afterwards. Different preferences for different guys, but I prefer to save up for fewer longer sessions. They allow a better total experience. Originally Posted by Old-T

For me quality over quantity any day.
plainjoe's Avatar
Old-T hits it on the head.
However, I prefer to start with an hour to get to know the lady and if there is chemistry, book additional longer sessions.
In my opinion, 1/2 is just not enough time to get to know a lady.
Smpslt7's Avatar
I do only 1 hour dates. Half hour is too quick, especially for this old man that needs an hour to nut. More than an hour is more than I want, though I may consider 1.5 for a favorite.
burkalini's Avatar
Don't need to pay for conversation as I get that in RL. Don't need to have a drink as I get that in RL. Don't really need to pay for sex because I get that in RL. I do love a PSE provider that understands it's all about the down and dirty sex though. Half hour or hour it's still about the sex
I was thinking about a hour but honestly half an hour is good for me. I think it comes down to a few reasons and I'll be very honest.

1. Most these women have a real life companion/husband or whatever so I know it's probably not going to go past just business and leave.
2. Most providers when I ask them don't really do anything extra for the hour as opposed to half so it's kinda a waste of money in a sense.
3. A hour just seems like too long, we wont even spend 30 minutes doing the deed so the other 30 is just talking, joking around?

I get it and it's good to make friends and just have someone to kick it but that extra hundred or whatever can be spent on other things.
Smpslt7's Avatar
In my opinion, my relationships with providers here are no different than my relationships with my real life suppliers and customers. While my focus is on service and cost, I also like to establish a rapport, friendship and professional relationship with all of my customers and suppliers. To that end, I prefer one hour dates to dates of shorter duration.

I enjoy building rapport with providers. Spending a little time listening to them and enjoying their company is important to me. Most of the providers I've met seem to appreciate it too. Those are my repeaters.
Depends on the girl and what we do, esp. her "work ethic". A very small no. of girls actually can and will fuck for most of an hour and likewise most guys blow w/in 10 mins. I only pay an hr. if the girl will actially put out for the whole time AND gets right down to business.

I've seen some girls who for some bizzarre reason wait til AFTER I arrive to do things they shouldn't be doing on my time: taking calls, texting, putting on make-up, etc. Unless they redeem themselves well once we finally get to fucking and sucking, that's the last time I see them.

I really enjoy fucking. When I start, I want to go and keep going. Girls who tap out after 10 mins., I usually won't repeat. Any regular of mine likes to get plowed hard for at least 20 mins. and gets down right away. So hh typically is fine. To get a full hr. appt. from me, she has to be proven willing and able to put out for 45 mins. Those are few and far between.
I have gone back and forth with both, but as I become more comfortable with what I do, have learned how to screen and truly appreciate quality experiences, an hour or more is my preference Half hours seem way too rushed, and I enjoy having the time to really get into the experience, hot and heavy so to speak